I heard Tony Bellew is looking for a fight with the winner of the Muhammad Ali Trophy. I hope he will see me.

Tony Rezko and Bill Ayers should lead the Democratic Party. They are the only Democrats with any convictions.

Nothing about Tony Soprano's life was glamorous. He was never somebody I wanted to be. His life was terrible.

Tony Blair took us to war in Iraq on the basis of the supposed threat of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.

It's really hard to go into a creative process and not think, 'I might or might not get nominated for a Tony.'

Even on one leg, I thought I could knock Tony Bellew out. I was gutted when Shane McGuigan threw the towel in.

People ask, 'Should I call you Sir Hopkins?' But I say, 'No. Call me Tony,' because it's too much of a lift-up.

When I got to New York, all I wanted to do - or so I thought - was win a Tony award or, at least, be nominated.

My son, Tony Vincent, is a stuntman. He doubles for Jim Caviezel on 'Person of Interest.' He works really hard.

Tony Blair is a brilliant politician. Unfortunately, his legacy is entwined with George W. Bush because of Iraq.

It is in the country's best interest that Tony Blair rather than Michael Howard should form the next government.

I think I'm so old I'm in. We call it the 'Tony Bennett Syndrome.' For some reason, young people think I'm cool.

My father became the Mayor of Indian Wells, California, a tony desert enclave of rich, conservative Republicans.

The fact that I even get in Broadway shows is, to me, still amazing, but then to win a Tony was just incredible.

I've followed the NBA religiously since I was a kid, and now because of my boy Tony Parker, I'm a huge Spurs fan.

My Grandpa Tony was a legend in our family, and also in his own mind. There's no end to the tales of his exploits.

Being on Broadway and getting a Tony nomination - this has been an incredible ride, from rather humble beginnings.

I really like where Tony Robbins says that we're all hypnotized to see beauty this one specific way, and it's true.

Linda Hunt is so good and so sweet. She is a Tony Award nominee and won an Oscar. Pearls just come out of her mouth.

If I could hire a coach in this country and I could get Tony Bennett, there would be nobody in second place. Nobody.

Unless you're a vegan freak of nature like Tony Gonzalez, I don't think you can play sports much past your early 30s.

I've won several Emmys, a Tony and a Grammy, so maybe somebody will let me have an Oscar, and then I'll have a full set.

You have antiheroes in dramas, like Tony Soprano. But it's a little bit harder in comedy. You don't see it quite as much.

My sister Sonu and my brother Tony have taught me a lot. I owe them so much. Whatever I am today is because of my family.

Oh, I was a big Tony Atlas fan. I think I tried to throw my first dropkick because of Tony - and almost broke my shoulder.

With 'Fantasy Factory,' I want to take skating beyond the Tony Hawk generation and represent the street-skating generation.

I'm a big fan of Tony Blair. I'm not saying that I think his judgment has always been right, but I look at him as a person.

I'm thinking about naming my first son Emmy so I can say I've got one. I want Emmy, Oscar and Tony - and my daughter Grammy.

Tony La Russa was quoted as saying that I was using steroids back then, and I was talking about it in the clubhouse, openly.

I made Tony a person. For me, Tony was real. I made him become a human being, and that affected the animation and everything.

The Tony Stark I grew up with wasn't as snappy and as quippy as Downey Jr. made him, but now I only think of his performance.

To see Grant Fuhr starring, to see Claude Vilgrain and Tony McKegney, it was very important for me to see to follow my dream.

I have an awards cabinet in my studio where I keep my eight Oscars, my 11 Grammys, my seven Golden Globes, and my Tony Award.

I don't think the Lakers could control Tony Parker's ability to get into the paint, so his health is the key for San Antonio.

You look at Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Bob Seger. All they ever wanted to do was go out there and entertain, and I'm the same way.

Often when I'm trying to make tough decisions, I rely on the lessons my father taught me and ask myself, 'What Would Tony Say?'

If someone told me when I was 16 or 18 years old that I'd be doing a side project with Tony Iommi, I wouldn't have believed it.

When Tony Abbott was prime minister, I could get straight answers. I didn't always like what he had to say, but he stuck to it.

When I started my podcast, 'The School of Greatness,' one of the top three people I wanted to get on the show was Tony Robbins.

When you open up 'Instagram,' you need to know that you're seeing the real Tony Hawk, the real Taylor Swift, the real Burberry.

Basically, my goal in life is to be David Hyde Pierce - go to Hollywood, make some money, come back and just win some Tony Awards.

I'm looking forward to wrestling Tony Nese, defending my title, and cementing my legacy as the greatest cruiserweight of all time.

I got nominated for a Tony in my Broadway debut, which was fascinating and thrilling and sort of unbelievable all at the same time.

Growing up I watched a lot of Hong Kong movies, I watched big stars like Chow Yun Fat, Andy Lau, and Tony Leung on the big screens.

The idea that the Tony committee and the New York theater community as a whole have embraced 'Billy Elliot' is very, very exciting.

I've been a big admirer of Tony Dungy, and I'm sure a lot of people are, but he unfairly judged me, and that was disappointing to me.

On radio, I loved Noel Edmonds's Radio 1 breakfast show - and Tony Blackburn. I can still hear those bloody jingles deep in my brain.

Give Obama a script he has made his own, and he is the motivational speaker to end all speakers. Tony Robbins cloned with Honest Abe.

The trouble with people like Tony Blair is they get confused, they think intelligence is education when they're two different things.

I love following my friend Tony Zaret on Instagram. He's a super funny comedian who makes these parodies of memes, and Instagram skits.

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