What early tongue so sweet saluteth me?

I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.

A quote is just a tattoo on the tongue.

See what a ready tongue suspicion hath!

Give it an understanding, but no tongue.

The tongue, the ambassador of the heart.

A heavy heart bears not a nimble tongue.

Caught between the tongue and the taste.

Foxes are all tail, and women all tongue.

Love provided me with a tongue and tears.

I can loop my tongue into multiple rolls.

Be not thy tongue thy own shame's orator.

The eye tells what the tongue would hide.

What is a nation without a mother tongue?

The mind knows not what the tongue wants.

Listen, or your tongue will make you deaf.

Avoid witticisms at the expense of others.

On Rumor's tongue continual slanders ride.

I think in my mother tongue. That's Hindi.

The tongue has the power of life and death.

Do not let one's tongue outrun one's sense.

It hurts not the tongue to give fair words.

Articulation is the tongue-tied's fighting.

Wise is the tongue, wet of perfect thought.

The tongue is the vile slave's vilest part.

Virtue hath no tongue to check vice's pride.

We thought Queen were quite tongue in cheek.

Man's chiefest treasure is a sparing tongue.

The sacred pint alone can unbind the tongue.

The stillest tongue can be the truest friend.

The tongue walkes where the teeth speede not.

A gen'rous heart repairs a sland'rous tongue.

A generous heart repairs a slanderous tongue.

Let your tongue speak what your heart thinks.

I wish my horse had the speed of your tongue.

I'm not the kind of person to hold my tongue.

When the tongue lies, the eyes tell the truth.

When the teeth are shut the tongue is at home.

You're young and dumb and quick at the tongue.

Not all tongues that wag cohabit with a brain.

The tongue is the worst part of a bad servant.

Too late! The two saddest words in any tongue.

A drunk tongue is an honest one in my opinion.

Contempt, thought Tyrion, the universal tongue.

Heaven finds an ear when sinners find a tongue.

The tongue should express what is in the heart.

The tongue has no bones, but can break a heart.

He rolls it under his tongue as a sweet morsel.

The heart must glow before the tongue can gild.

The tongue offends and the ears get the cuffing

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