Above anything, welcome silence, for it brings fruits that no tongue can speak of, neither can it be explained.

Since I cannot govern my own tongue, though within my own teeth, how can I hope to govern the tongue of others?

The Gospel was not meant merely to reside in our intellect, memories, and tongues, but to be seen in our lives.

I'd rather clean all the bathrooms in Grand Central Station with my tongue than spend one more minute with you.

Remember what Simonides said, that he never repented that he had held his tongue, but often that he had spoken.

God writes with a pen that never blots, speaks with a tongue that never slips, acts with a hand that never fails

I get really starstruck and tongue tied when I'm around other writers and the conversation tends not to go well.

Full of criss-crossed fits, you lie all the time. Your tongue should be embarrassed, you're a threat to mankind.

I am a sentimental guy, and occasionally, that lump in my throat when I speak has stopped my tongue from working.

Good copy can't be written with tongue in cheek, written just for a living. You've got to believe in the product.

His tongue is by turns a sponge, a brush, a comb. He cleans himself, he smooths himself, he knows what is proper.

Let us always guard our tongue; not that it should always be silent, but that it should speak at the proper time.

The martyr cannot be dishonored. Every lash inflicted is a tongue of fame; every prison a more illustrious abode.

Men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues, and can moderate their desires more than their words.

When I was in south Sudan, people used to rap in my village. But the rapping was more in the mother tongue, Nuer.

Englishmen learn Christ's law best in English. Moses heard God's law in his own tongue; so did Christ's apostles.

Is everything a joke to you?” I asked. He dabbed his tongue to his lip again. “Not everything.” “Like what?” “You.

I'm kissing Alyson Hannigan and I almost stuck my tongue in her mouth because we just got so into it at one point.

Manhood is melted into courtesies, valor into compliment, and men are only turned into tongue, and trim ones, too.

The only one who knows this ounce of words is just a token, is he who has a ton to tell that must remain unspoken.

I love hip-hop, because you can do this like that and still be super successful! You ain't gotta hold your tongue.

Apart from English, I speak my mother tongue Malayalam, as well as Tamil, Telugu, and a bit of Kannada and French.

The admission fee was a viper's tongue and a half-concealed stiletto. It was a sort of intellectual slaughterhouse.

My mother tongue is Punjabi, but my first language is Urdu, which was the case with the people in undivided Punjab.

I'm shy, but sometimes my voice is so clear and strong. Your tongue moves, and the Arabic language is so beautiful.

Constant repetition of tongue-twisters was like lifting weights for me, but patience and persistence have paid off.

Falsehood often lurks upon the tongue of him, who, by self-praise, seeks to enhance his value in the eyes of others.

At the time of death your tongue will speak only what is in the heart.To say la illaha illa Allah, you must live it.

A tart temper never mellows with age, and a sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use.

Spanglish is a creative way also of saying, 'I am an American, and I have my own style, my own taste, my own tongue.'

Kids piercing themselves, piercing their tongues, what kind of masochism is that? Is it to show you can just take it?

He was the only person in the world she was tongue-tied around, and yet the only person she really wanted to talk to.

Unlike Conrad or Nabokov, I didn't have circumstances which would have coerced me out of my native tongue altogether.

Being a human being without forgiveness is like being a guitarist without fingers or being the diva without a tongue.

Much did I rage when young, Being by the world oppressed, But now with flattering tongue It speeds the parting guest.

If jealousy was the vindaloo of love, I'd imagined her tongue burning, and such a fire forcing her to spill her truth.

The Negro was taught to speak the white man's tongue, worship the white God, and accept the white man as his superior.

When a person’s tongue is extensively wrong, it is absurd, no less than unscriptural, to say that their heart is right.

Peppers, garlic, hazelnuts and brazil nuts make my mouth, tongue and eyes swell and itch within minutes of eating them.

A woman of haughty and fierce carriage, of a nimble wit and active spirit, a very voluble tongue, more bold than a man.

In the Shao Lin temple, they never allow you to touch the skin of a drum until you can tongue what you're going to play.

How sad they are, the promises we never return to. They stay in our mouths, roughen the tongue, lead lives of their own.

It is often said that in Ireland there is an excess of genius unsustained by talent; but there is talent in the tongues.

Nothing is greater or more fearful sacrilege than to prostitute the great name of God to the petulancy of an idle tongue.

They told me many times throughout my career to bite my tongue and I told them my tongue's been bleeding since I was born.

I haven't anything against whores, except this: some of them may have an honest tongue but they all have dishonest hearts.

For the uttering sweetly and properly the conceit of the mind, English hath it equally with any other tongue in the world.

Love, is it? First you lose your appetite, then you lose your tongue, then you take leave of your senses, and that's love!

Believe not each accusing tongue, As most weak persons do; But still believe that story wrong, Which ought not to be true!

When the tongue or the pen is let loose in a frenzy of passion, it is the man, and not the subject, that becomes exhausted.

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