Odor of blood when Christ was slain Made all Platonic tolerance vain And vain all Doric discipline.

People had no tolerance for your particular hardship unless you knew how to entertain them with it.

Tolerance is the value that was selected to put on here, and tolerance is as American as apple pie.

Love breeds tolerance, tolerance breeds peace. ... Love cannot be indifferent. It does not know how.

Somehow forgiveness, with love and tolerance, accomplishes miracles that can happen in no other way.

[First line] “The business of murder took time, patience, skill, and a tolerance for the monotonous.

Tolerance is a relatively weak virtue; we're called to so much more than that in the body of Christ.

We tend to idealize tolerance, then wonder why we find ourselves infested with losers and nut cases.

Sooner or later, if man is ever to be worthy of his destiny, we must fill our hearts with tolerance.

Tolerance is not the absence of belief. Tolerance is how your beliefs teach you to treat other people

Tolerance cannot afford to have anything to do with the fallacy that evil may convert itself to good.

Sometimes true tolerance requires an extraordinary strength, which we are often too weak to exercise.

I'm disturbed by the words missing from the Trump campaign: Liberty, justice, freedom, and tolerance.

I grew up in New York City, a town with different races, religions, and peoples. It breeds tolerance.

Sooner or later you've heard all your best friends have to say. Then comes the tolerance of real love.

In a multi-racial society, trust, understanding and tolerance are the cornerstones of peace and order.

People who are intolerant, categorize and over-react... should all be dragged against a wall and shot.

I think it is important to speak your mind. Tolerance of the ignorance sends the wrong message to kids.

Tolerance is really a better thing than understanding. Because it doesn't agitate against human nature.

Tolerance is held to be a condition of mind which is encouraged by, and is necessary for, civilization.

Those who are unprepared to demonstrate tolerance cannot expect or even demand tolerance for themselves.

We must work harder to build mutual respect, an attitude of tolerance, with forbearance one for another.

God the Compassionate and the Merciful, Tolerance incarnate, allows Mammon to have his nine days' wonder.

Always try to maintain complete tolerance and always make an effort to give people more than they expect.

It's important to cultivate a tolerance and patience with uncomfortable feelings. It's best to feel them.

We have tolerance, respect, and equality in our written laws but not in the hearts of some of our people.

Women receive he insults of men with tolerance, having been bitten in the nipple by their toothless gums.

We must have zero tolerance for sexual harassment, even if the perpetrator is somebody we like and admire.

Tolerance gives us spiritual insight, which is as far from fanaticism as the north pole is from the south.

I'm built for wrestling. I have a high pain tolerance. My nose has been broken a couple times. Black eyes.

This union may never be perfect, but generation after generation has shown that it can always be perfected.

Overvalue not therefore the manner of your own worship, and overvilify not other men's of a different mode.

We all have our levels of risk tolerance. People who have decided they want to go to space are going to go.

I am he / Who champions total liberty - / Intolerance being, ma'am, a state / No tolerant man can tolerate.

The value of tolerance is central to living in today's world - especially in diverse places like the Bronx.

Understanding, love and tolerance are the highest forms of interest on out small and interdependent planet.

My whole thing is I like to hang around winners, I like winning spirits, I have zero tolerance for jealousy.

People get used to anything. The less you think about your oppression, the more your tolerance for it grows.

Error is indeed our enemy, but it alone points to the truth and therefore deserves our respectful treatment.

And the basic sort of thrust of Star Trek being about equality and tolerance and things I believe in deeply.

Broadmindedness, when it means indifference to right and wrong, eventually ends in a hatred of what is right.

I have worked hard to represent people of all backgrounds and I have always done so in a spirit of tolerance.

Tolerance should really only be a passing attitude: it should lead to appreciation. To tolerate is to offend.

I am a lover of truth, a worshipper of freedom, a celebrant at the altar of language and purity and tolerance.

A state of true and universal tolerance is best ensured by leaving alone the peculiarities of men and peoples.

If it was necessary to tolerate in other people everything that one permits oneself, life would be unbearable.

Part of the scientific temperament is this tolerance for holding multiple hypotheses in mind at the same time.

Tolerance comes of age. I see no fault committed that I myself could not have committed at some time or other.

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.

Tolerance should really be only a temporary attitude; it must lead to recognition. To tolerate means to offend.

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