Never put a sock in a toaster.

Burn bread every day boy, no toaster

In the long run, everything is a toaster.

Not unlike the toaster, I control darkness.

Our toaster has two settings: too soon or too late.

Why shouldn't a PC work like a refrigerator or a toaster?

When I need bread, I grab the toaster and stick niggas for they crumbs.

The last time I used? What do you mean? I used my toaster this morning.

Television is just another appliance- It's just a toaster with pictures.

Cleanliness is not next to godliness. It isn't even in the same neighborhood.

And we've got a toaster and everything. So there is no reason for the wedding.

Democracy is a gleaming Excalibur - let's not use it just to mend the toaster.

To leave the world a little better than you found it. That's the best a man can ever do.

Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp no one would eat?

Television is like the American toaster, you push the button and the same thing pops up everytime.

Long lives aren't natural. We forget that senior citizens are as much an invention as toasters or penicillin.

Today's scientific question is: What in the world is electricity? And where does it go after it leaves the toaster?

Virginia is the place, where, technologically speaking, they will burn people at the stake for possessing such things as toasters.

I'm quitting the business today. I'm going to open up an appliance store, I've always really been into toasters. I'm giving it all up.

What I think is all I have left. My mind is the only thing that makes me different from a fancy toaster. What we think does matter-it's all we truly have.

I have avoided becoming stale by putting a little water on the plate, lying on the plate, and having myself refreshed in a toaster oven for 23 minutes once every month.

I don't want to give the impression that I hold daily conversations with my household appliances, although my toaster is as old as Drew Barrymore and almost as talented.

I saw you put rice in a toaster once," said Mae. "I was there when made the tin of beans explode." "It was faulty," Jamie protested, his eyes shifty. " I am sure of this.

Cleanliness is not next to godliness. It isn't even in the same neighborhood. No one has ever gotten a religious experience out of removing burned-on cheese from the grill of the toaster oven.

He rooted for the Mets, he wore Foot of the Loom underwear, and he drove a Buick. His loyalties were carved in stone and he wasn't about to be impressed with some upstart of a toaster salesman who drove a Bonneville.

Indeed, everything was a shock at the beginning. The wash machines, dryers, dishwashers, garbage disposal machines, juicers, toasters, and yes, the ATM machines. Watching money spilled out of a wall was simply amazing!

I remember when I was growing up, you would go to a bank to open a deposit, and they'd give you a toaster. A free toaster. These days, if you're a company, and you go to a bank, they could easily turn you away! They don't want your deposits anymore.

I think anything can be forced to converge. The problem is that products are about tradeoffs, and you begin to make tradeoffs to the point where what you have left at the end of the day doesn't please anyone. You can converge a toaster and a refrigerator, but those things are probably not going to be pleasing to the user.

But the toaster was quite satisfied with itself, thank you. Though it knew from magazines that there were toasters who could toast four slices at a time, it didn't think that the master, who lived alone and seemed to have few friends, would have wanted a toaster of such institutional proportions. With toast, it's quality that matters, not quantity.

The available worlds looked pretty grim. They had little to offer him because he had little to offer them. He had been extremely chastened to realize that although he originally came from a world which had cars and computers and ballet and Armagnac, he didn't, by himself, know how any of it worked. He couldn't do it. Left to his own devices he couldn't build a toaster. He could just about make a sandwich and that was it.

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