Let us leave hurry to slaves.

Rich with the spoils of time.

There is time for everything.

Time trouble is blunder time.

Geological time is not money.

Time was God's first creation.

There's a time for all things.

The obscurest epoch is to-day.

Unpunctuality is a vile habit.

I took some time out for life.

True time is four-dimensional.

He hath shook hands with time.

Time is the scarcest resource.

What Time Is It? You Mean Now?

The time I kill is killing me.

Time is a river without banks.

Time and tide wait for no man.

Time is the image of eternity.

It's not over until it's over.

Time is on my side, yes it is.

Time is so...fluid where I live

How did it get so late so soon?

Time brings all things to pass.

This moment is as it should be.

Wasted time means wasted lives.

Time is the soul of this world.

Make a good use of the present.

The Universe is very, very big.

Innovation is hard to schedule.

The day is conscious of itself.

Time is the greatest innovator.

A day may sink or save a realm.

This time it will be a long one.

Time flies when you are anxious!

Killing time is not an easy job.

Time the devourer of everything.

The calendar? A mere convention.

Time rolls his ceaseless course.

Time wasted is a theft from God.

The busy have no time for tears.

Perfection is the child of time.

Great Time makes all things dim.

Even God cannot change the past.

We have as much time as we need.

Punctuality is the thief of time

Nae man can tether time or tide.

All things flow, nothing abides.

The living moment is everything.

Time trieth troth in every doubt.

Eternity is the Absolute present.

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