Carpe diem, quam minime credula postero. Enjoy the present day, trusting very little to the morrow.

Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving.

He who gives money gives some, he who gives time gives more, and he who gives of himself gives all.

Who shall contend with time,--unvanquished time, the conqueror of conquerors and lord of desolation?

We must not take the faults of our youth with us into old age, for age brings along its own defects.

Be warned in time, James, and remain, as I do, incomprehensible: to be great is to be misunderstood.

Every succeeding scientific discovery makes greater nonsense of old-time conceptions of sovereignty.

One day some as yet unborn scholar will recognize in the clock the machine that has tamed the wilds.

My son complains about headaches. I tell him all the time, when you get out of bed, it's feet first!

The sunlight on the garden Hardens and grows cold, We cannot cage the minute Within its nets of gold

The past is past, the future unformed. There is only the moment, and that is where he prefers to be.

Before the end of Time will be the end of History. Before the end of History will be the end of Art.

Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon.

I do not rule out the possibility of being prime minister of India one day, but there is still time.

Heaven lies about us in our infancy! Shades of the prison-house begin to close upon the growing boy.

Knowing when to keep your mouth shut is invariably more important than opening it at the right time.

Life piles up so fast that I have no time to write out the equally fast rising mound of reflections.

There comes a time whenyou haveto let yourclothesgo out in the world and try to make it on their own.

I have seen better faces in my time Than stands on any shoulder that I see Before me at this instant.

For the next inn he spurs amain, In haste alights, and skuds away, But time and tide for no man stay.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time as come.

What is any of this to us? Time is endless and ours. Love and Death are only the games we play in it.

Any time a body goes outside the environmental conditions for which it developed it has to acclimate.

Time’s a goon, right? You gonna let that goon push you around?” Scotty shook his head. “The goon won.

My brain doesn't have enough time to play around like that. To get limber enough to have a nightmare.

Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

His vices were the vices of his time and culture, but his virtues transcended the milieu of his life.

Twenty-four hours is never enough for a busy person and way too much for somebody with nothing to do.

Who is moving in the distance? It is the clock's pendulum, Hired by the god of death To measure life.

Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can't afford to lose.

Every time you opt in to kindness Make one connection, used to divide us It echoes all over the world

Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it and spend it rather than invest it.

We barely have enough time to figure out who we are and then we become bitter and isolated as we age.

The big things that come our way are ... the fruit of seeds planted in the daily routine of our work.

Time will discover everything to posterity; it is a babbler, and speaks even when no question is put.

He to whom the present is the only thing that is present, knows nothing of the age in which he lives.

The ultimate of being successful is the luxury of giving yourself the time to do what you want to do.

Fortunes made in no time are like shirts made in no time; it's ten to one if they hang long together.

Just as the Romans were the only nation that was truly a nation, so our age is the first genuine age.

What's a man's age? He must hurry more, that's all; Cram in a day, what his youth took a year to hold.

Whenever you note the time on the clock, realize that it is now—right now—later than it has ever been.

That kill the bloom before its time, And blanch, without the owner's crime, The most resplendent hair.

All religions will pass but this will remain: simply sitting in a chair and looking into the distance.

Overly focused, it's far from the time to rest now. Debates growin bout who they think is the best now

Whatever shall we do in that remote spot? Well, we will write our memoirs. Work is the scythe of time.

And killing time is perhaps the essence of comedy, just as the essence of tragedy is killing eternity.

Time, though in Eternity, applied To motion, measures all things durable By present, past, and future.

Oh, why will parents always appear at the wrong time? Some extraordinary mistake in nature, I suppose.

The Lord took twice the time making thee, Alvin Smith, cause it took that long to put the mischief in.

Keep moving. Don't stop. But don't rush. Don't race around. Sure and steady gets you there every time.

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