It's about getting hot, playing good football come playoff time.

I play football once or twice a week. I eat pretty healthy. I'm in fairly good shape most of the time.

Any time you can get a win against a good football team with not a lot of guys healthy, it's a big week for us.

I've been fortunate and blessed to further my career in the Arena Football League, and I've had a good time doing it.

I enjoyed my time in Germany, I definitely rate the league as it develops well and you have quite a lot of teams that play good football.

I am always flattered to hear my name linked with different football clubs. That is good for your ego, but at the same time, I am happy here.

In football there for a long time, I knew even if it was a bad day, a bad day at the office, it was still going to be really good in most cases.

This is football. This is my job. At the same time there's a good balance you can have with having fun and getting prepared and ready for the game.

For me, good football is not about how many skills you show or how many players you beat. It's about making the right decision every time you have the ball.

I'm close to Coach Kingsbury. He really helped my game and helped me as a person a lot. He's a genuine good person and, at the same time, a very smart football coach.

Whether it's NASCAR or whether it's football, or whether it's the NBA, any time something spills over to the point where somebody makes a WWE reference, I always think it's a good thing.

I got chronic stuff that everybody has when they're done playing football for any length of time. So the good thing is I'm able to walk. I feel good. I'm able to spend more time with the fam.

I knew Manuel Pellegrini from my time in Spain. I'd only heard good things about him, that he was someone who instilled the confidence in his players to go out and play good, attacking football.

I started playing football with my mates and my brothers, in the playground or the park or the front garden. It was just about enjoying it, having a good time playing. I wanted to play all the time.

Technology is going to be good for football, but it will take time to adjust. The important thing is that the games have rhythm; at the beginning, it will be complicated, but there are plays that require it.

I say it all the time: Texas high school football. It's no joke. It's a big deal. And when you get good coaches like I had at Lake Travis, and then you play other good programs, it develops you very quickly, and it gets you going.

First, you have to play good football so that you get to play for a good team. Then, hopefully, you achieve such a level that you are invited to play for your national side, in time for a World Cup if possible. Then, obviously, play a good World Cup. That's my dream.

Every time I score the passion comes out and I try to relay that back to the fans and to the players and the staff how grateful I am to be playing for such a good football club. The fans have taken well to me. I am part of the furniture at Everton, but I don't take it for granted.

I see football as a bit like a stairway, and you have to climb it bit by bit. First, you have to play good football so that you get to play for a good team. Then, hopefully you achieve such a level that you are invited to play for your national side, in time for a World Cup, if possible.

In my time at Arsenal, we had a really good balance. We had players who were fast, players who were really strong physically, and players who were really creative. When you look at the generation of Arsenal at the moment, they may be playing better football than we used to, but they win less than we used to - so, where's the balance?

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