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I pray that Jimmy Graham passes as a wide receiver. Because at the end of the day, if he passes as a wide receiver, that's better for the rest of the tight ends. He will have opened up a door, a pathway for the rest of the group.
Drums all have their own particulars - each drum has a place where they sound the best - where they ring out and resonate the best, and the head surface isn't too loose or too tight, mainly so you get a good rebound off of the head.
For a while, I was all sports all the time. Then, as I started to get into theater, they dropped away, but I hung on tight with a highly competitive Ultimate Frisbee team. It was probably less intense than I remember, but it was fun.
I'm very attracted to schematic structures. My brother is a chemical engineer, he has a very mathematical mind, and he's also a visual artist. I think we have a lot in common. And my first film had a very tight structure, narratively.
People think our business is this completely fictional world of big guys in tight clothes with no brains. That's not the way it is; this is a psychology-driven business. You have to take people on an emotional ride without using words.
On a date night, I always wear a pump with either a baggy jean or a tight pair of black leather pants. I'll wear a plain T-shirt with a leather jacket or a bomber. If I'm feeling girly, I always do a loose dress with a pair of booties.
I don't think you should spend that much time in the gym. Don't sit around between sets too long. If you want to burn some calories, keep the sets tight. Give yourself 30 seconds to a minute between each set. Supersetting is brilliant.
You'd be surprised at how many times I'd hit the ball, and the hair would go straight into my eyes. That's why, even when I play indoors, I wear a visor, because it stops that, and I'll apply a lot of gel and hairspray to keep it tight.
I'm claustrophobic. I can't go into haunted houses. They have these tight, dark, enclosed space. I freak out. That's my phobia. It gets me out of stuff. Someone asks me to do something and I tell them I can't because I'm claustrophobic.
When you're telling taut, tight storytelling that has any kind of built-in plot twist elements, you tend to want to stack everything up on top of itself as opposed to letting things breathe and be languid in terms of the passage of time.
I became insular because at home there was no space to grow or to evolve, everything was tight and there was no room to breathe. People don't realise how that affects you as a kid. I wasn't allowed to speak, so my expression was football.
I've got a 20 inch neck, a narrow waist and big bulging thighs so stuff off the rack doesn't fit. It's a nightmare to shop for shirts and trousers that are going to fit, because they'll be tight in one place and all baggy everywhere else.
Being a tight end, you have to be able to do everything. You have to be able to run routes; you have to be able to block, pass-protect, and run with the ball after a catch. So, that's how I attack my workouts - focusing on doing everything.
Well, I think the president has clearly submitted us a tight budget, but it's what's called for if we're going to get spending under control and keep the economy moving in the right direction, with economic growth and job creation activity.
I've always had an ear for melodies, and they veer pop. My lyrics are more country - what I love is the storytelling and the structure, how tight the rhymes can be. But pop melodies have always been intrinsically linked to my writing style.
In a time of tight budgets, difficult choices have to be made. We must make sure our very limited resources are spent on priorities. I believe we should have no higher priority than investing in our children's classrooms and in their future.
I love James Taylor and Carole King, Joni Mitchell - this is, like, early '70s stuff. I love the stuff from the '40s. I love that tight harmony that the studio singers in the '50s would sing. I love Patsy Cline. Yeah, I'm all over the place.
I did take some value out of looking at the extreme simplicity of implementation that the tight resource limits required. I do feel that modern games are often abstracted a lot more than is really necessary, and it leads to robustness issues.
Syria and Iran have always had a pretty tight relationship, and it looks to me like they just cooked up a press release to put out to sort of restate the obvious. They're both problem countries; we know that. And this doesn't change anything.
I probably have the worst wardrobe. It's the most ill-fitting with the worst patterns and colors and the most nipple rubbage. There's bad chafing, and it's always tight in all the wrong places. What's sad is that I'm kinda getting used to it.
Latin Americans hold on tight even to pain and suffering, preferring a certain present to an uncertain future. Some of this is only natural, entirely human. But for us, the fear is paralyzing; it generates not only anxiety but also paralysis.
As far as I can see women who have facelifts don't look younger, just weirder. You see them on screen with these tight, little porcelain faces - then the hand goes up to the face and it looks like it belongs to an alien. I find it really freaky.
There's not a sport or activity in life where you have a really hard grip, you actually do better. Whether it's baseball or golf or kicking a ball, the looser you are, the further the thing goes... If you're tight, you're not necessarily better.
Nobody would comment on what clothes male conductors wear. Or if they kind of put on some weight or something like that, and maybe their jacket is a little bit too tight. But if that happens to me as a female, then that's immediately pointed out.
Fashion is harder than the film industry. You have to constantly be able to crank out hit after hit after hit on demand and on a very tight calendar. I've come back, I've lost it, I've come back again. It's really as good as your last collection.
If you look at the great tight ends in this league, the first thing that stands out is touchdowns. Just like at fantasy football. That's where a lot of guys get the respect, with touchdowns... That's the 'fantasy points' that everyone points out.
After everything happened, we all got super tight. I can't deny it. We all just love each other. James Garner and David Spade came on and we fell in love with them too. We've just become a family all over again. We don't want to lose anyone again.
When I got to the NFL, they asked me what number I wanted, and I said No. 44, but they told me tight ends are not allowed to have that number. So I said, 'Just double it up for me if you can' and took No. 88. I figured I'd be twice as good as I was.
For the United States to be a global leader, we have to have a very tight relationship with Europe. And we've held that relationship since 1949 when we established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO. NATO is the bond. It's a security bond.
It's true that we have to have restrictions and tight rules and so on and it's also true that the teams are so close to that line they're going to create a P1 or P2, whatever it's going to be, I don't get worked over that because that's auto racing.
If money is tight, or you're on a limited budget, then consider DIY or used gifts. DIY could be something like baked goods for your friends, family, and neighbors. Plus, if you have children, it's a great activity to do with them during the holidays.
I was living in Paris, which is a very beautiful, very wonderful place, but a tight place as a city, a tight place culturally. Its people are very brilliant, thoughtful, the place functions, but it's a historical place in some ways, like a big museum.
One fan wrote asking for a very specific autographed photo. He wanted me to pose in tight jeans and boots and even enclosed a sketch of how I should dress! A lot of them just say they wish they had a girlfriend like me. They're very endearing letters.
A novel can do something that films and TV usually can't - a glimpse inside the characters' heads. I write very tight third person point of view, so the reader is right behind the eyes of each character, seeing what they see and feeling what they feel.
I can't see anyone coming out, because the players feel it is no one's business. We all stick together. We're a very tight group. It would be too hard for just one person to do, too stressful. And why should it make a difference? The LPGA is about golf.
The idea that we are not going to look after the Great Barrier Reef, which is just a wonderful tourism resource that it can be just for one example - we are not going to look after it, we won't have tight environment regulation, is frankly just not true.
I am happy. I have a wonderful marriage. I was in a not-great second marriage for 20 years, then I fell in love with Steve, my first husband, again, and we remarried. I wore the dress from our first wedding in 1982 - it was tight, but I could get into it.
I know that organic farms can be industrial and just as large and impersonal as conventional farms. Sometimes the free-range chickens aren't even allowed outside, and so they cluck-walk packed tight in a dim lit barn. But organic farms use fewer chemicals.
To keep the skin moist throughout my travels, and within a tight schedule, moisture care is necessary. And skin ageing originates from dry skin. So before I go to bed, I use my Laneige Perfect Renew Regenerator, and sometimes, I use Water Bank Essence, too.
We know how hard it is to travel around and if the schedules are really tight for you, it means you're doing really well because you're not going home early from many events. When you go deep in tournaments, that's the consequence you have to pay I suppose.
Men always want and love when women wear tight and fitted clothing, right? And you're like, 'Wow, she looks so beautiful.' And then you have men who dress like slobs, and you're like, 'What's the deal with these big and baggy suits.' It's pretty ridiculous.
The script of 'Shogun' was so tight that you could not take a word out of a sentence, you could not take a sentence out of a scene, and you certainly couldn't take out a scene without putting ripples right through the back or the front of the overall story.
Ideally, if you ask most tight ends, they would say we want the defender on us early. The reason for that is we feel like, for one, we know where we're going. Two, we can attack leverage, it declares itself if it's truly man coverage. We can work the release.
You want to be able to run seam routes and do all that, but to have something that you can hang your hat on and know that it's going to convert first downs, that's what tight ends are paid to do. And I've certainly taken a lot of pride in that over the years.
During the send-off at my wedding to the groom's house, I embraced my mother tight, and that was when I realized that I was not going to stay with my mom anymore and be under her guidance, protection and watchful eyes, and that I would be in a different house.
I often speak publicly, and when I do, I also get to listen to other presenters. The most memorable are the ones that hit an emotional chord with a tight story and a punch line. No fluff. Keep it creative and concise. Greatness exists in quality, not quantity.
I'm very excited for the opportunity to work with Skip Bayless, the top opinionist in the business, and Shannon Sharpe, legendary NFL tight end and Hall of Famer. I love a good debate and look forward to sitting with these two and seeing what happens every day.
Every night, I don't care if I'm doing interviews that day or photo shoots that day, what's most important is that I'm making sure I'm right and tight for the show. These people all come out to see me, so I have to perform and make sure that they never forget it.
The first time I did stand-up I was 17, and I was really a stand-up once I was 19 in New York, and now I'm 41, and I still feel like I haven't found myself onstage. Earlier in my career, I was really tight, really together, and knew who I was and I was confident.
Bob summed it up best when he was on his knees at the end of the night saying, 'Don't trust in Guided By Voices.' You were there; was the show awful or something? I know it was sloppy, but they're not really that tight anyway, but was it embarrassing, was it sad?