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I could never just throw on a sweatsuit and go to a game. No.
If I had the use of my body, I would throw it out the window.
I try to throw a pretty catchable ball. I like to think I do.
They throw the ball, I hit it. They hit the ball, I catch it.
I don't throw my clothes out after one wear. Shocking, I know.
Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint you can at it.
Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you're swinging.
There is no way to have a strong arm if you don't throw enough.
Please don't throw phones. They hurt. And we sell them on eBay.
One who doesn't throw the dice can never expect to score a six.
The best way to ruin a comedy is to throw a lot of money at it.
Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
When I throw a ground ball, I expect it to be an out, maybe two.
In Hollywood, brides keep the bouquets and throw away the groom.
If the heavens throw you dates, you got to keep your mouth open.
Throw off your worries when you throw off your clothes at night.
I'm not a video game guy. I would rather throw around a football.
I hope that I'll keep being creative until they throw dirt on me.
The women in Europe think I'm the Beatles, they throw me flowers.
I do throw out a lot of ideas, and I forget completely about them.
I started a second novel seven times and I had to throw them away.
You never know what life is going to throw at you, really, do you?
Well, I am obsessive about my work. I throw myself in all the way.
One tires of combat, although I can still throw a punch, you know.
When you're through with your cat, you can't throw it in the trash.
Don't throw stones at your neighbors if your own windows are glass.
There is nothing people can throw at me to say: 'Do this, do that.'
Good keepers sniff out attacks whether with the feet or a throw out.
We shall fight against them, throw them in prisons and destroy them.
I always had the ability to throw a frisbee pretty well. I don't why.
Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from falling hands we throw.
Modern instruments were designed to throw sound all in one direction.
A fool can throw a stone in a pond that 100 wise men can not get out.
The best way to catch my attention is to throw a Twinkie near my face.
I only keep books that I like very much. Otherwise I'd throw them out.
God gives every bird his worm, but He does not throw it into the nest.
My hands, my feet, I throw my whole body to say all that is within me.
One accusation you can't throw at me is that I've always done my best.
As long as you persecute people, you will actually throw up terrorism.
How strange to use 'You only live once' as an excuse to throw it away.
God gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into its nest.
They would almost throw the cops in jail when they tried to arrest me.
I throw as hard as I can when I think I have to throw as hard as I can.
I like challenging people. I love pop music that can just throw you off.
To keep my son healthy, I throw secret veggies into his favorite dishes.
I always had the attitude that I wanted to throw a no-hitter every game.
Don't matter what they throw at us. Only angry people win football games.
There is no defense against a perfect pass. I can throw the perfect pass.
I've got to overcome that tendency to hide what I write or throw it away.
Throw me to the wolves. I learn faster when I'm around wolves and sharks.