Usually the nonsense liberals spout is kind of cute, but in wartime their instinctive idiocy is life-threatening.

You'll find people less threatening if you hear what they're needing rather than what they're thinking about you.

Direct religious experience is threatening to organized religion, which often mediates it with a rabbi or priest.

It is one thing to fear God as threatening, with a holy reverence, and another to be afraid of the evil threatened.

There's something threatening about a woman who is not occupied with children... What sort of trouble will she make?

Tempus would be protected, better shielded from whatever the Stepson thought threatening, if love could heal and save.

We all have fundamental beliefs of one sort or another, and it is very threatening if somebody is saying they're wrong.

I don't think immigrants are that threatening to society at all. They're just happy they've survived some war somewhere.

I looked at him. "You really need to work on your threats. I can't tell if you're threatening me or inviting me for tea.

It is impossible to carry the American people along with you on a program of caution to forestall a threatening position.

If I was just normally intelligent, I could probably get away with it - but I'm fiercely intelligent and that's threatening.

Competition in the American tech sector is being gobbled up by the largest players, and it's threatening our entire industry.

No single platform can sensibly prevent all hateful, illegal or threatening speech - it can only act in due time to remove it.

Larry is back in town...The wedding is set for October. Tammy is threatening to have me in the wedding. Some friends they are.

For the timid, change is frightening; for the comfortable, change is threatening; but for the confident, change is opportunity.

Iran is the only country in the world that's threatening to erase another country from the map as part of a collective genocide.

Border enforcement coupled with employer sanctions and threatening employers who hire immigration law violators is insufficient.

Our dependency on oil continually creates security risks. Most threatening of all is the specter of uncontrolled climate change.

You can't make yourself saved. This is very threatening to people, even Christians, because of what it seems to say about freedom.

Climate change is threatening ecosystems in South Carolina, while making it less safe and more costly to live along our coastline.

I have had a number of threatening letters each week, some telling me the actual time and method of my death, and I don't like it.

It will be wrong of us to approach our grievances by threatening to disobey the laws or by threatening the integrity of our nation.

Great writers arrive among us like new diseases threatening, powerful, impatient for patients to pick up their virus, irresistible.

My background was art school, documentary director and surfer with a keen interest in thrilling acts of life threatening stupidity.

Jamie' is what my mother gave me, and that takes the onus off of being big. Somebody thinks, 'Oh, Jamie - how threatening can he be?

The greatest right of a civilized person is to be left alone, unless he does harm to others or is threatening to do harm to himself.

Even when early innovations start to succeed, it is not uncommon to see growing businesses sabotaged for threatening the status quo.

If yelling and threatening, intimidating and chanting solved problems, Illinois wouldn't have any problems. We're good at that stuff.

So intense was his sexual frustration that it had begun to feel like a life-threatening illness: testicular gout, libidinal gangrene.

GamerGate is about harassing, threatening and silencing women. Started that way, has been that way all along. Dont pretend otherwise.

Trust comes before strength, and it becomes a conduit of influence. Your strength is a little bit threatening before people trust you.

'Jamie' is what my mother gave me, and that takes the onus off of being big. Somebody thinks, 'Oh, Jamie - how threatening can he be?'

The idea of a young girl who knows exactly what she wants with her life is the most threatening and unappealing thing you can imagine.

We can only undo the election if the behavior meets the constitutional standard of subverting and threatening our system of government.

Again, during a sacrifice, the augur Spurinna warned Caesar that the danger threatening him would not come later than the Ides of March.

The truth is, about the Middle East is, had there been no oil there, it would be like Africa. Nobody is threatening to intervene in Africa.

Being diagnosed with a possibly life-threatening disease is so jarring and for me to know that God had me in his hands, I never felt alone.

I wanted to write for all children, even those kids who might see language as a threatening thing, even if English is their second language.

An overzealous parent is just one example of the kind of Problem Mom or Dad who pops up at track meets, threatening to put a damper on the day.

Natural villains are hard to come by, what with all the shrinks and social-scientist types threatening to understand everybody into the ground.

A riot's unchecked destruction of livelihoods and property is certainly newsworthy, threatening as it does the very possibility of civilization.

Most of my career, people have the misconception about me as being threatening and scary, and having an intense look, but that's not the real me.

I say at this point, for different reasons, Bush and Hussein are both very threatening to world peace and to deny that is to be incredibly naive.

The second 'Postal Service' album is threatening to become the 'Chinese Democracy' of indie rock. It will come out eventually, or maybe it won't.

I'm going to stand up for what [Donald Trump] says and does that is threatening to Americans, to the lives of Americans, the rights of Americans.

While doing visits to hospitals, I have prayed over children with life threatening illnesses and continue to bring Jesus to every stage I walk on.

True disruption means threatening your existing product line and your past investments. Breakthrough products disrupt current lines of businesses.

I think I've gotten that before - people have been like, 'Oh, you have a creepy stare.' My energy personally is not as threatening, I don't think.

If this work seems so threatening, this is because it isn't simply eccentric or strange, but competent, rigorously argued, and carrying conviction.

People in power need to control others in order to maintain power. One of the ways to do that is to take that which is threatening and demonize it.

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