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We are becoming so accustomed to millions and billions of dollars that 'thousands' has almost passed out of the dictionary.
The collapse of Enron was devastating to tens of thousands of people and shook the public's confidence in corporate America.
America sold VX nerve gas and anthrax to Iraq for years, even after the Halabja gas attack, which killed thousands of Kurds.
Where does discipline end? Where does cruelty begin? Somewhere between these, thousands of children inhabit a voiceless hell.
My story is the story of thousands of children from around the world. I hope it inspires others to stand up for their rights.
Any disease support community is a place of deep bonds and empathy, and there are thousands if not tens of thousands of them.
Every generation always thinks it was better before, and I think people have been saying this for probably thousands of years.
There are thousands of good-looking women out there. Longevity for a heroine doesn't come only with good looks: talent matters.
There are hundreds of thousands of words that aren't in any print dictionary today... because there's no space for all of them.
Every year, thousands of Californians flee that populous paradise for tax-eased small government oasis of America's red states.
Cultivate solitude and quiet and a few sincere friends, rather than mob merriment, noise and thousands of nodding acquaintances.
New York has been the subject of thousands of books. Every immigrant group has had its saga as has every epoch and social class.
For thousands of years, men have written history, so it seems to me that most of what we've read is from the male point of view.
But when I reintroduced the Nation of Islam, and began to host meetings in cities and thousands and thousands of people come out.
The Peace Corps would give thousands of young Americans a chance to see at first hand the conditions in remote areas of the world.
I have thousands and thousands of hats. Some are the most outrageous hats in the world. They are my disguise. I hide beneath them.
Terrorists convince thousands of people to kill themselves in the name of God. I can't convince two of my friends to help me move.
Unless and until our society recognizes cyber bullying for what it is, the suffering of thousands of silent victims will continue.
I've probably saved thousands of peoples' lives with my educational message on snake bites, how to get in around venomous anything.
Every one of today's smartphones has thousands of times more processing power than the computers that guided astronauts to the moon.
Migration isn't a one-directional process; it's a colossal process that has been happening in all directions for thousands of years.
It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent.
Every word we speak calls on 37 muscles and thousands of nerves. It's not surprising that sometimes these nerves and muscles fail us.
Imagine, a September 11 with weapons of mass destruction. It's not 3,000. It's tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children.
'Success' is a seductive word. Thousands of books have been written on the subject. They promise money, freedom, leisure, and luxury.
I am happy that thousands of students, young designers and fashion people will be able to see and study my work in every aspect of it.
I have encountered thousands of value investors over the years and am constantly struck by their differences - and their similarities.
I've spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on the very best security and I can assure you my homes are as safe as the Bank of England.
I am a firm believer that you can make a difference in someone's life - whether they're thousands of miles away, or on your own block.
Music is thousands and thousands of years old and I don't think that basic, primitive connection to the language of music ever changes.
In the silence of night I have often wished for just a few words of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands of people.
Go to any bookstore, and you'll see thousands of books on etiquette, which suggests there's a lot of self-help going on. There is hope.
Politics begin where the masses are, not where there are thousands, but where there are millions, that is where serious politics begin.
Clean energy is good for the environment, good for national security, and good for thousands of Americans who desire a rewarding career.
Thousands upon thousands of people across America and many more across the globe are suffering at the hands of the oil and gas industry.
It's been amazing getting to go from city to city and perform for thousands of people. It's an amazing feeling, and the energy is crazy.
My own family and thousands of other Japanese Americans were interned during World War II. It took our nation over 40 years to apologize.
Thatcherite economic policy was most acutely felt in the coal industry, where tens of thousands of jobs were lost as pits were shut down.
My thinking is that if we're going to take from a culture, let's take from a culture that has exemplified success for thousands of years.
Thousands of Americans are forced to join unions as a condition of employment, with little to no chance of ever having their voices heard.
There are literally tens of thousands of very good content providers in the world that don't distribute their content through TV channels.
Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history; such is the history of civilization for thousands of years.
I've had the joy of spending thousands of hours under the sea. I wish I could take people along to see what I see, and to know what I know.
I give thousands of interviews, and I'm probably about as open as anybody in Washington as far as access goes, so I'll continue to do that.
Salvador Dali, lying on his deathbed in a stupor, is said to have been fed thousands of sheets of blank paper to sign for fake lithographs.
An unlocked door means that, occasionally, you might get a devil come in, but a locked door means you have thousands of angels just walk by.
We're all humans living on this tiny little rock, floating through space at, like, thousands of miles an hour. We should all just get along.
If you want an alternative currency, check out gold. It has stood the test of thousands of years as a store of value and medium of exchange.
We had thousands of people outside Queen's Park Oval in Trinidad. We would wait to get inside to watch a Test at six o'clock in the morning.
Australian seafarers make an important contribution to national security in a country with thousands of kilometres of uninhabited coastline.