Magicians have done controlled testing in human perception for thousands of years.

Gold has worked for thousands of years, but now with the Internet, it works even better.

He who could foresee affairs three days in advance would be rich for thousands of years.

When it comes to silencing women, Western culture has had thousands of years of practice.

For thousands of years, humans have used the art of storytelling to motivate and persuade.

People have wanted to look inside the human mind, the human brain, for thousands of years.

Yoga has been done for thousands of years and if people keep doing it, it must mean it works.

I'd rather there wasn't an afterlife, really. I'd much rather not be me for thousands of years.

Beliefs and values that have held sway for thousands of years will be questioned as never before.

It took man thousands of years to put words down on paper, and his lawyers still wish he wouldn't.

I feel so honored to be a mom and get to do something that women have done for thousands of years.

The people of India and Arabia have interacted across the waters between them for thousands of years.

We have lived for thousands of years together, Muslims and Christians; we are part of the same society.

In a few hundred years you have achieved in America what it took thousands of years to achieve in Europe.

There's a reason you can still read Thucydides, and it still makes sense to you thousands of years later.

I want to modernize the ancient. I prefer to work with materials formed naturally over thousands of years.

Theater is an old thing. It's thousands of years old. TV isn't. Film isn't. We're doing a really old thing.

The custom of clasping hands is thought to date back thousands of years, as proof of not holding any weapons.

Perhaps not as badly applied and not as obvious, but for thousands of years, people have worn makeup on stage.

I don't know what kind of courage it took thousands of years ago, but I know how courageous women need to be today.

Wrestling will be around forever. It's been around thousands of years. It's going to be around till the end of time.

For thousands of years, there have been lies about being gay or not being gay. If you know they're lies, you're free.

Compared with the thousands of years in which human life has been on this planet, Christianity is a recent development.

Male circumcision has been practiced for thousands of years and is a deeply important ceremony for two major religions.

The thing about Iceland is that we are trapped there anyway, all of us. We have been trapped there for thousands of years.

Human beings have been manipulating the biological world for thousands of years without understanding how DNA codes function.

Every generation always thinks it was better before, and I think people have been saying this for probably thousands of years.

For thousands of years, men have written history, so it seems to me that most of what we've read is from the male point of view.

Migration isn't a one-directional process; it's a colossal process that has been happening in all directions for thousands of years.

Music is thousands and thousands of years old and I don't think that basic, primitive connection to the language of music ever changes.

My thinking is that if we're going to take from a culture, let's take from a culture that has exemplified success for thousands of years.

Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history; such is the history of civilization for thousands of years.

If you want an alternative currency, check out gold. It has stood the test of thousands of years as a store of value and medium of exchange.

For me, arguably the story of telomeres and telomerase began thousands of years ago, in the cornfields of the Maya highlands of Central America.

Nobody knows through how many thousands of years fighting men have made a place for themselves while the weak and peaceable have gone to the wall.

Geological change usually takes thousands of years to happen but we are seeing the climate changing not just in our lifetimes but also year by year.

Human exploration is something that's been going on for thousands of years, and the models that worked 500 years ago are likely to work again today.

Our youths are constantly trying to learn everything the West has to teach, but what is newest in the West has existed in China for thousands of years.

You might think that after thousands of years of coming up too soon and getting frozen, the crocus family would have had a little sense knocked into it.

There is a history to Italian food that goes back thousands of years, and there's a basic value of respecting food. America is young and doesn't have that.

Imagine thousands and thousands of years ago, when the human race was born in Africa, if we'd not allowed them to get out of Africa then we wouldn't exist.

For many centuries, even thousands of years, patriotism worked quite well. Of course, it led to wars an so forth, but we shouldn't focus too much on the bad.

There has always been enough fossil fuels to power human civilization for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years, and nuclear energy is effectively infinite.

China and India are close neighbours linked by mountains and rivers and the Chinese and Indian peoples have enjoyed friendly exchanges for thousands of years.

There's a great tradition in storytelling that's thousands of years old, telling stories about kings and their palaces, and that's really what I wanted to do.

We're never gonna get rid of crazy people. They've been around for thousands of years - they'll continue to be around; they'll continue to do horrible things.

How brittle life is, yet it's been going on for thousands and thousands of years. Maybe we should sit down and pay tribute to life instead of just destruction.

My parents weren't artistic, but I was always surrounded by beautiful things. And Mexico is a country which has experienced thousands of years of art and culture.

Science is the greatest of all adventure stories, one that's been unfolding for thousands of years as we have sought to understand ourselves and our surroundings.

We believe that the Arab world has been there for centuries, and thousands of years, and it'll keep on continuing being there. All we have to do is work together.

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