I believe in second chances, but I don't believe in third or fourth chances.

I do everything in the third person. Performance is about being someone else.

First is first. That's the way I was brought up. Second or third are nowhere.

If you quit once, it's so much easier to quit the second, third, fourth time.

I knew that even if I were second or third rate, it was astronomy that mattered.

Avoid food products containing ingredients that a third-grader cannot pronounce.

Where one is present, God is the second, and where there are two, God is the third.

Italy is not technically part of the Third World, but no one has told the Italians.

Inertia accounts for two-thirds of marriages. But love accounts for the other third.

I am almost six-novels-old. It took me until the third novel to call myself a writer.

Osteoporosis, as the third threat, is particularly attributable to women's physiology

We must remember that [Albert] Camus wrote not even a third of what he had wished to.

Old third basemen become first basemen, and old first basemen become designated hitters.

Most of my movies get about a third raves, a third vicious attacks, and a third in-between.

There are two kinds: one takes the music too fast, and the other too slow. There is no third!

Now, on the St. Louis team we have Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know's on third...

I would do away with Education, Commerce, and let's see - the third one I can't. I can't. Oops.

For my second and third pictures I won Academy Awards. Nothing worse could have happened to me.

Second, a quarter to a third of those who listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are liberals.

my credo is very short. Its first article is art - and its second is art - and its third is art!

For the third trilogy, I don't know if I will still be alive when it comes the time to make them.

You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do.

I like to be called a Nigerian rather than somebody from the Third World or the developing or whatever.

A third force, developing itself more slowly, becomes even more potent than the rest: the power of gold.

Harrison is very much part of this one, but really it’s about finding him; he comes in in the third act.

Playing third base, you rarely have time to get into a great fielding position. It's all about reaction.

I really like triples. You hardly ever see me stop at second. My goal is third and that's where I'm headed.

We are actually fourth dimensional beings in a third dimensional body inhabiting a second dimensional world!

It is important to find a publisher and equally important not to be noticed until your third or fourth book.

I'll have you know that I am not a failed Third Division footballer. I am a failed Second Division footballer.

The third peculiarity of aerial warfare was that it was at once enormously destructive and entirely indecisive.

Bobby Cox had the biggest influence in my career and probably the second- or third-biggest influence in my life.

Politics was my third act. But I could have a fourth. I don't know what that will be yet, but there will be one.

I am the third Jenkin Jones to preach that liberal interpretation of Christianity generally known as Unitarianism.

A Platonic friendship is perhaps only possible when one or other of the Platonists is in love with a third person.

The biggest hit of my life is Agneepath. My second is Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara and the third biggest hit is Dhoom 2

The artist spends the first part of his life with the dead, the second with the living, and the third with himself.

I've looked after my money. As I started working around my third birthday, my first check went straight to the bank.

You can remember the second and the third and the fourth time, but there's no time like the first. It's always there.

I'd want to have a fair moderator. I thought that Mitt Romney was treated very unfairly in the third debate [in 2012].

I'm proud of you for the times you came in second, or third, or fourth, but what you did was the best you have ever done

Courage is nine-tenths context. What is courageous in one setting can be foolhardy in another and even cowardly in a third.

The IEA forecasts that production from oilfields, which have started production up to 2011, will nearly drop two-thirds by 2035.

If there was one thing worse than being cheated, it was being cheated by someone who referred to themselves in the third person.

If we do not restore the Institution of Property we cannot escape restoring the Institution of Slavery; there is no third course.

How did they know that I was the one who saved them?" "They don't. You're the third knight they've celebrated over since it happened.

[John] Calvin is often identified with his account of predestination. Yet that appears in the third book of his Institutes, not the first.

I have never seen myself as leading for others. What's important is that I know who I am. Not completely. But I'm coming around third base.

When you are in a bad production there are two things you can do. You can do your best or you can leave. I chose to do the third thing which was sulk.

The first word gives origin to the second, the first and second to the third, and the third to the fourth, and so on. You cannot begin with the second word.

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