These days, it takes only seconds - seconds - for a picture, a photo, to suddenly become an international headline.

One of these days, you're going to fall in love with some guy, and you're not going to know what to do with yourself.

It's harder and harder to make a well-done romantic comedy these days because the conventions have been so played out.

These days in particular it seems not only unavoidable but even irresponsible to not acknowledge politics in some way.

Far too many people have been swept into the post-9/11 system of fear that is the basis of all public policy these days.

Besides, anyone with an Internet connection feels they have the credentials to critique or belittle anything these days.

Rock music seems to be very fragmented these days, I can't say that I ever really hear anything that just knocks me over.

Delayed gratification is the one thing we ignore these days. And if you delay it, it becomes more pleasurable later in life.

Spiritually, it's always there. It gets better and better all the time. One of these days I'll just finally release all that out.

I'm a giant softy, for sure, but I honestly think these days it's probably considered more masculine to be emotionally connected.

We are challenged these days, but not changed; convicted, but not converted. We hear, but do not; and thereby we deceive ourselves.

I guess everyone has their own definition of what folk is or pop or whatever. I find it incredibly hard to describe music these days.

I inherited that penchant for intellectualism, a character flaw that these days can only be thoroughly eradicated by getting Z’ed up.

I'm sure when the times comes, there will be tears, but there are other avenues that I am embracing with much more passion these days.

I just pinch myself, because I think if theres anything I can be proud of, Ive survived success, which I think is difficult these days.

To say that I'm enjoying a millionaire's lifestyle-well, I can tell you, I guess a millionaire's income doesn't go very far these days.

One of these days I'm going to say the wrong thing to the wrong mage, and I'll be spending the rest of my days searching for Mrs Right Toad.

I read because one of these days I'm going to get out of this town, and I'm going to go everywhere and meet everybody, and I want to be ready

We live in a period of declining stars. Few celebrities these days (aside from the smoldering Angelina Jolie) seem to have complex psychic lives.

Public borrowing is costly these days, true, but interest rates on municipal bonds are still considerably lower than those borne by corporate debt.

Why has everything got to be about feelings these days? In the old days, no one knew what anyone was feeling and, what's more, they weren't expected to.

It was not often that she was alone like this and she did not like it. When she was alone she had to think and, these days, thoughts were not so pleasant.

It's hard these days to have a conversation, at least it is for me, about [Truman]Capote without "Good Night, and Good Luck" coming up in the same conversation.

I guess that seeing yourself on a screen is something that you get used to. Let's face it, these days, there's really nothing that you do that doesn't get filmed.

The challenge these days, is to be somewhere, to belong to some particular place, invest oneself in it, draw strength and courage from it, to dwell in a community.

That world! These days it's all been erased and they've rolled it up like a scroll and put it away somewhere. Yes, I can touch it with my fingers. But where is it?

Among the American contemporaries I read with most enjoyment are several North Carolinians. I think the best poetry being written these days is being written by Southerners.

It's frustrating actually, the time involved in getting something released these days. My new CD has actually been finished for a year. It's only now that it's being released

As fast as we're going these days, especially because of the aerodynamics, we're all concerned about abusing tires. It's so fast that you're afraid of what you're going to do to the tires.

It is a sign of the times, and not a very good sign, that these days it is necessary - and not only necessary but urgent - to interest minds in the fate of Mind, that is to say, in their own fate.

I'm terrified of men these days. If someone asked me out now, I don't know what I'd say, how I'd react. But I couldn't go through with it, not at all. I suppose I've been terrified of them all along.

More and more products are coming out in fiercely protective packaging designed to prevent consumers from consuming them. These days you have to open almost every consumer item by gnawing on the packaging.

You know, one of these days, I'm acctually going to take offense if people keep throwing out these slurs. And then things are going to get rather ugly. When we Skandians do take offense, we do it with a battleax.

Women are capable of doing so many things these days, physically, emotionally, within relationships and career. There are so many things that women have evolved into and I feel really proud about where women are right now.

More and more I like to take a train. I understand why the French prefer it to automobiling it is so much more sociable, and of course these days so much more of an adventure, and the irregularity of its regularity is fascinating.

It's become fashionable these days to say that the writer writes because he is not whole, he has a wound, he writes to heal it, but who cares if the writer is not whole; of course the writer is not whole, or even particularly well.

You sign for a sequel for everything these days, just in case, options. In the past, you avoided them like the plague because it meant somewhere down the road you couldn't take a job because you had to do a sequel. Now it's a feature of pretty much any feature you do.

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