The toughest test of good judgment is to know when to withhold your better judgment.

Man brings all things to the test of himself, and this is notably true of lightning.

Until I test the limits to what I can achieve, I won't really know how well I can do.

The final test of truth is ridicule. Very few dogmas have ever faced it and survived.

The happiness of love is in action; its test is what one is willing to do for others.

I've learned that to expose yourself, to reveal yourself is a test of your humanness.

Dont test me, Second guess me, Protest me, You will DISAPEAR! (East Jesus of Nowhere)

You cannot have a testimony without a test. Will you pass the test or have the monies?

Sometimes the hurdles aren't really hurdles at all. They're welcome challenges, tests.

Test every work of intellect or faith and everything that your own hands have wrought.

Learning happens in the minds and souls, not in the databases of multiple-choice tests.

I did tests on small stones before collecting and committing myself to the larger ones.

The final test of a work of art is not whether it has beauty, but whether it has power.

With Christ, it is not how much we give, but what we do not give that is the real test.

Never affirm, always allude: allusions are made to test the spirit and probe the heart.

... and we will test you with evil and with good; and unto us shall ye be brought back.

We all have friends we love dearly that couldn't pass for human in a strict Turing test.

You never know if anything is going to stand the test of time or going to be successful.

The United States Constitution is clear. It prohibits religious tests for public office.

Stay strong! Your test will become your test-imony, your mess will become your mess-age.

Funnily enough, when I originally went in for my screen test, that set was already built.

No virtue is more universally accepted as a test of good character than trustworthiness .

I cannot stand no wack MC. So step back if you please, And don't test me, you're history.

One of the truest tests of spiritual maturity is seeing the miraculous in the monotonous.

Morality [or ethics] is not a subject; it is a life put to the test in dozens of moments.

Question every thought that causes suffering and test it against your own sense of truth.

Tests that sugar-coat the truth only set up our kids to fail in worse ways down the road.

I am a really bad test taker. I can get straight As in school, but I get nervous on test.

Your closest and your most dedicated fans will be your ultimate test. They will test you.

Funky like your grandpa's drawers, don't test me We in like that, you're dead like Presley

The truth is that works of art test the spectator much more than the spectator tests them.

The test of all knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific truth.

The ultimate test of our spirituality is the measure of our amazement at the grace of God.

He who would in his own person test the fact of God's presence can do so by a living faith.

Oh, and once, when I was in the Marines, I got a perfect score on my physical fitness test.

The happiest she'd ever been was with him, and the saddest. Was that the true test of love?

The first test of potential in mathematics is whether you can get anything out of geometry.

I would love to fight whoever is the best. I want to test myself on how much I can achieve.

I dyed my hair for photo tests... I kept it because when am I ever going to be blond again?

The test of the moral quality of a civilization is its treatment of the weak and powerless.

The test of friendship is assistance in adversity, and that, too, unconditional assistance.

Tortures are a dangerous invention, and seem to be a test of endurance rather than of truth.

We all have to stand by our life's work as the true test of what we have done for the world.

I have friends in politics who really put the friendship to the test through their behavior.

Test knowledge through experience, be prepared to make mistakes, and be persistent about it.

I've always thought anyone can make money. Making a life worth living, that's the real test.

The test of an outfielder's skill comes when he has to go against the fence to make a catch.

The transfer of power is always a test of the constitutional system, a test of its strength.

Test Cricket is not a light-hearted business, especially that between England and Australia.

Somehow it always seems that the crummier the test, the higher the heritability it produces.

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