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We saw when those World Trade towers came down what these terrorists will do.
No state should have to endure the threat of terrorists entering our borders.
We cannot let terrorists hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile.
To characterize all Muslims as terrorists is fear-mongering of the worst kind.
A compromise appears out of reach on the stripping of terrorists' nationality.
The only message that terrorists need to get is that they're going to be beaten.
If we have to do enhanced interrogation on terrorists, then I can live with that.
Katrina did much more damage than anything the terrorists could ever put together.
Terrorists have goals beyond their supposed pacts with God. They are authors, too.
We cannot be a civilized society if these terrorists are going to have their ways.
Terrorists will always find a way to communicate. They will always find a solution.
The very idea of freedom incites fear in the hearts of terrorists across the world.
I've been accused of wanting to allow terrorists to have weapons to attack America.
It's not law-abiding gun owners that are the problem here - it's Islamic terrorists.
Terrorism doesn't have a border. Terrorists attack Mumbai, Peshawar, and also Paris.
The Obama administration seems to have lost the will to win. The terrorists have not.
I say to the Taliban: surrender the terrorists; or surrender power. It's your choice.
The principle of not negotiating with terrorists is the only thing we can hold on to.
The threat from terrorists - from extreme ideologies - needs to be challenged head-on.
Homegrown terrorists are a real problem for even the most modern, democratic societies.
I'll see myself as a person of worth on the day when terrorists are brought to justice.
The use of these techniques against these terrorists made us safer. It really did work.
In 1995, sanctions led Sudan to cut its ties with terrorists and expel Osama bin Laden.
Every time I tell my story, I feel that I am taking some power away from the terrorists.
They only have to be right one time, the terrorists do, and we have to be wrong one time.
But as I often say, terrorists won't check our party registration before they blow us up.
Even the majority of the Sunnis have grown tired of foreign terrorists operating in Iraq.
We will bring justice to the savage terrorists known as Boko Haram. They will be defeated.
We have terrorists coming into the country both through our Northern and Southern borders.
There is no doubt that terrorists acting under the banner of Islam have declared war on us.
The terrorists' only rules? That there are no rules, and this gives them a major advantage.
Terrorists are not 100 feet tall. Nor do they deserve the abject fear they seek to instill.
Terrorists bombard complete cities, such as Fallujah, Baghdad, innocent women and children.
Parisians won't admit that they go to the gym, let alone that they're scared of terrorists.
People should beware of those who hail terrorists and play with the security of the country.
Putting fear into people is the principal goal of terrorists, and they have been successful.
The SEALs rarely call the Taliban 'terrorists' because they respect them as worthy opponents.
They've hit us and we've got to hit back hard, and I'm not just talking about the terrorists.
This is a war against terrorists. Not a war against a religion, but a war against terrorists.
Today's terrorists do not share a particular ethnic, educational or socioeconomic background.
Terrorists are always a threat to someone. If we'll be scared of them, it means they have won.
We have adopted zero-tolerance policy against terrorism. We have not fed biryani to terrorists.
In fact, this is a blackmail of the terrorists at the expense of the suffering of the hostages.
Hardik Patel and Kanhaiya Kumar are absolutely intellectual terrorists - they have been created.
Democracy is stronger than terrorism, and we will not cower to the terrorists' campaign of fear.
Terrorists can utilize any vulnerability in the system and that would include outbound shipments.
My heart is heavy for the people of Paris, Beirut, and other nations affected by ISIS terrorists.
For many terrorists, carrying out an attack allowed them to become the heroes of their own story.
The terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States - and war is what they got.
More people died on 9/11, in one day, at the hand of Muslim terrorists than during the Inquisition.