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It is what it is. It, meaning terrorism. Terrorism is what it is.
The uncertainty of the danger belongs to the essence of terrorism.
Terrorism is partly linked to people who have no jobs in Pakistan.
We need new partnerships in fighting terrorism and building peace.
Terrorism': the word that means nothing, yet justifies everything.
The problem of end-to-end encryption isn't just a terrorism issue.
Europe has a long and tragic history of mostly domestic terrorism.
Iran is isolated on its nuclear program and support for terrorism.
Terrorism is simply the weapon by which the weak engage the strong.
It is development, not poverty, that causes upheaval and terrorism.
Terrorism has become a festering wound. It is an enemy of humanity.
We are a country that met successes in the fight against terrorism.
Extremists have shown what frightens them most. A girl with a book.
It's not only America. Terrorism now is a threat to the whole world.
What causes terrorism is disrespect, a lack of justice, and poverty.
The most dangerous thing about terrorism is the over-reaction to it.
Depicting a terrorist act in a film isn't going to incite terrorism.
The greatest preventative to terrorism is Muslim religious literacy.
Of course, there's an alternative to terrorism: it's called justice.
Producers are so much better-educated in issues related to terrorism.
Fascism is fascism. Terrorism is terrorism. Oppression is oppression.
Whoever gives in to terrorism has to be prepared to do so many times.
There is one thing on which Arik will make no concessions: terrorism.
I think we defeat terrorism by showing them that we do not fear them.
We are keeping New Jersey one step, several steps, ahead of terrorism.
As strong as the United States is, we can't deal with terrorism alone.
At the end of the day, Iraq was a part of the fight against terrorism.
As long as you persecute people, you will actually throw up terrorism.
It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable.
Nuclear terrorism is possible - it may be probable - but is survivable.
The 2000s were marked by terrorism and a bipartisan desire to fight it.
We succeeded in fighting terrorism - we will succeed in reconstruction.
The war against terrorism is a war against those who engage in torture.
The fight against terrorism is not a confrontation against any religion.
The FBI assesses HVEs are the greatest terrorism threat to the homeland.
The liberation of those who commit murder and terrorism is unacceptable.
In 1985, the Iranian sponsorship of terrorism was clear, solid evidence.
Terrorism is the vanguard of a general revenge against the West's wealth.
The war against terrorism is terrorism. The whole thing is just bullshit.
Modern terrorism is too destructive to be tolerated, much less supported.
Look, we constantly live looking at the issue of the threat of terrorism.
In the face of terrorism, a united front is one of the strongest weapons.
The truth is that there is no terror untempered by some great moral idea.
Terrorism knows no boundaries and doesn't respect nations' sovereignties.
I am committed to protecting our country against the threat of terrorism.
With guns you can kill terrorists, with education you can kill terrorism.
GTMO has been a goldmine of intelligence about radical Islamic terrorism.
I am ready to debate how we fight terrorism without giving up our liberty.
Terrorism emanates from weakness, not strength. It is the sign of despair.
Clinton was very early on aware of the problem of international terrorism.