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I'm terrified of learning lines, and I've always been terrified that I won't learn them.
I am more afraid of those who are terrified of the devil than I am of the devil himself.
I know really, really famous people who are terrified every time they walk on to a stage.
I'm on the path to being someone I'm equally terrified by and obsessed with. My true self.
Directors have this mask of being in control and in charge, but underneath, I'm terrified.
I was terrified of getting the chemo. It's not pleasant. And the radiation is not pleasant.
There were times when I was terrified to go to school because it felt like a jail sentence.
No one inspired me to write, but writer Harlan Ellison terrified me into getting published.
I was terrified of being on stage, and I had to work very hard at a craft to get past that.
I'm not actually terrified of technology. Though I'm certainly not an early adopter, either.
You're terrified that nothing will ever give you the fulfillment that dancing has given you.
I am terrified of being pushed out of a plane at 10,000ft with my hands tied behind my back.
I found a lot of guys my age and older were absolutely terrified of me. Younger men weren't.
I can't swim and I'm terrified of drowning, but I still love being by water - just not in it.
I was terrified to go solo. It's lonely doing it by myself. But I wanted to challenge myself.
I'm terrified of missing my call time. I'll check my alarm several times before I fall asleep.
I'm terrified about the day that I enter the gates of heaven and God says to me, just a minute.
I've always been terrified of dying, always. It was a concern of mine long before it had to be.
I always put on a brave face when I was the most terrified, the most trapped and out of control.
I am terrified at the thought that so much hideous and bad music will be put on records forever.
I actually think actors both are drawn to playing real-life historical people and are terrified.
Circuses don't treat their 'performers' very well - whipping them, trying to make them terrified.
Showing a videogame character terrified and scared is something that's not really done that much.
You go to see movies to feel something, and being terrified - there's something so fun about that.
Being gay and coming up in New Orleans was not easy. At first I was very terrified and very timid.
I'm terrified of dying because of everything being too unfinished. I would be happy being a ghost.
I am terrified of things that go bump in the night. I don't like scary movies. I am a scaredy cat.
I spent 19, 20 years of my life being terrified about what I looked like. I was a ginger white kid.
I'm really honestly terrified about how much I should tell and how much I should still keep secret.
Scare yourself every day, and do something that makes you feel totally excited and totally terrified.
Many times in life, we say we want change but are then terrified when the opportunity for it arrives.
I was a bit of a loner as a teenager. I never went to a single social event, because they terrified me.
I'm terrified about the world food shortages. Vegetables could quite easily become tomorrow's currency.
I've been terrified of the water, and yet it seems I'm forced to go into in on every movie that I make.
I'm terrified I'm about to die, or that all the people I love are about to die, every second of every day.
If David Duke got the percentage of the vote that Le Pen got, we would be terrified, as well we should be.
I didn't tell anyone in school that I was going to be in 'Skins.' I was terrified of them putting me down.
People are really terrified of me. I don't know why, I'm very nice, but people are very intimidated by me.
If I think even a week ahead, I get terrified. My big thing is trying to enjoy the moment as much as I can.
It terrified me to have an idea that was solely mine to be no longer a part of my mind, but totally public.
When I was 12 and met my real father for the first time, I was terrified I would lose the one I already had.
I was and am an ardent environmentalist and I am terrified of the instability that climate change will bring.
I'm simultaneously terrified of the thought of existing forever and not existing at all. Wherein is my peace?
The E.U. is terrified that we might become a competitor on its doorstep and that is exactly what we should be.
Once I found a mouse under my bed in an apartment in Paris. I am terrified of mice! I couldn't sleep for days.
I think that's what we're all most terrified about: that we'll just die and disappear and we'll leave no trace.
I am pretty fearless, and you know why? Because I don't handle fear very well; I'm not a good terrified person.
I was terrified and confused every day of my life until I started Nasty Gal, and for a good while after as well.
When I started on 'Strictly,' I was terrified. Live television seemed like the most daunting thing in the world.
The thought of being on my own really terrified me. But then I realized being alone is really a cleansing thing.