Surrealism: An archaic term. Formerly an art movement. No longer distinguishable from everyday life.
It's a very good idea that we have a third term Labour government led by Tony Blair for a full term.
As Polish society we cannot live with the term 'Polish death camps' or 'Polish concentration camps.'
Offer your customers a long-term relationship, then do everything possible to build and maintain it.
I think sometimes if you are too interested in day-to-day politics, you lose sight of the long term.
Every president, as he nears the end of his final term in office, thinks about his place in history.
I've always laughed at the term "female director" or even "black director." A director's a director.
The term SAT is a set of initials, or autonym, standing for Scholastic Attitude Treaty Organization.
In the broad and sweeping sense which the use of the term generally implies, I am not a free-trader.
I'm not on good terms with any of my exes. That's why we're not together anymore. We're not friends.
Even low-calorie diets and vigorous exercise fail to work in the long term for at least some people.