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People under-invest in family because it doesn't pay off until the long term.
Success is all about persistence and doing the right thing for the long term.
India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator.
We [Americans] choose not to understand the world on terms other than our own.
I'm not wild about the term first lady. I'd just like to be called Laura Bush.
There are some things I'd like to get into in terms of what's important to me.
The critics slap labels on you and then expect you to talk inside their terms.
The real truth, I thought, in terms of what faith is and what Christianity is.
Poetry is the power of defining the indefinable in terms of the unforgettable.
As the CEO, I have to take care of the short term, mid term and the long term.
I definitely do things on my terms, it may not seem that way but I actually do.
People who have gone through trauma need help with logistics in the short term.
Jazz is a white term to define black people. My music is black classical music.
'It Girl' is such a weird term. It implies I go to parties and drink champagne.
Fashion is about the present and the immediate future. I think in terms of now.
I don't like modeling, but in terms of the places I got to visit, it was great.
You always need younger guys if you're going to be successful in the long term.
'Age' is the acceptance of a term of years. But maturity is the glory of years.
When I went to medical school, the term 'digital' applied only to rectal exams.
The mystique of the femme fatale cannot be perfectly translated into male terms.
Before the term 'viral video' came out, we used the mass media to our advantage.
I have my own goals in my head in terms of things that would be great to happen.
I like to think of myself as a naturalist - insofar as that term is at all clear.
Private is our DNA, in my DNA. It enables us to make decisions for the long term.
How many more times do we have to come to terms with death before we find safety?
If you're going to invest in an Internet stock, you must be a long-term investor.
The only way for us to have long-term happiness is to live by our highest ideals.
You can't just pay attention to the short term, you just have to keep publishing.
The dichotomy between art and industry is totally dysfunctional in terms of film.
I invest in things for the long term and have a long horizon and the flexibility.
In terms of experience with the police, everybody got those. It's such a reality.
Long term I do believe internationally there is a huge misunderstanding of Russia.
One of my mentors schooled me on branding before it was a cliche term in the game.
Art is the aesthetic ordering of experience to express meanings in symbolic terms.
Take life on life's terms - one day at a time. And have fun while you're doing it.
We can't have a third Obama term, which is what electing Hillary Clinton would do.
I don't like the term 'coming out' because it gives the power to the other person.
Any comparison diminishes the expressive qualities of the terms of the comparison.
I believe that Bill Clinton's second term will be good for business... my business!
In the medium or long term we'll all be dead. Let's deal with the problems at hand.
If you're 0-0 down, there's no-one better to get you back on terms than Ian Wright.
If you will scoff at language study how, save in terms of language, will you scoff?
In terms of the economy, look, I inherited a recession, I am ending on a recession.
I really love the experience of moving things around, in terms of being a director.
I made up the term "object-oriented," and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind.
Obviously Hall & Oates wasn't overlooked by the masses in terms of the record sales.
I fundamentally believe in term limits, for Congress, presidents, and board members.
I consider myself an artist, which is, like, the most played term, but I believe it.
You can't outsmart or outguess the audience in terms of what the narrative answer is.
Relationships have to have a give and take if they're going to work in the long term.