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I really don't know what I am going to do in terms of what a book is going to be about until I actually start writing it!
It’s time we framed every question - every issue -- not in terms of what’s in it for ‘me,’ but what’s in it for all of us?
'Fair' is, like, this incredibly overused term in negotiations: 'I just want what's fair.' 'What's the fair market price?'
Berkshireis not as good as it was in terms of percentage compounding [going forward], but it's still a hell of a business.
I've been a reporter for 20 years, and I don't ever get things wrong. That's important in terms of my professional status.
It isn't true, in any conventional meaning of the term, that the United States or its NATO partners 'invaded' Afghanistan.
I can see both sides of term limits, and I think, in different positions, term limits make more sense than in some others.
Actors are the flowers of the film, of the set, and of the director. The term 'Flowers of the Screen' holds a deep meaning.
The term 'meritocracy' was coined by socialist theoretician Michael Young, who crafted the party's 1945 election manifesto.
There's no such thing as The Method. The term 'method-acting' is so much nonsense. There are many methods, many techniques.
The word 'impressionism' as applied to art has been abused, and in the general acceptance of the term has become perverted.
Many business leaders are seeing the relationship between long term success and sustainability, and that's very heartening.
Forgive us as we forgive- we are offered forgiveness on no other terms. To refuse it is to refuse Gods mercy for ourselves.
The forcings that drive long-term climate change are not known with an accuracy sufficient to define future climate change.
I would like to see this group in this Congress be starting the process to get ourselves on long term fiscal strong footing.
Jazz vision for me is seeing my art in musical term. It offers me an visual expressions in an ever-changing musical palette.
Non-co-operation and civil disobedience in terms of Swaraj are not to be thought of without substantial constructive effort.
I mean, there's no arguing. There is no anything. There is no beating around the bush. 'You're fired' is a very strong term.
Man is the only creature we know, that, when the term of his natural life is ended, leaves the memory of himself behind him.
Postmodernism - and is that term used much any more? - is simply a reiteration of the sophistic or the rhetorical worldview.
During my first term in Congress, I signed a pledge that I will take no more earmarks and I've been faithful to that pledge.
If you're lazy, don't expect much in terms of success. You're owed nothing and success will not be given to you. It's earned.
Children, I grant, should be innocent; but when the epithet is applied to men, or women, it is but a civil term for weakness.
As we change, the way in which we are perceived in terms of our relevance, our value, our beauty, and sexual potency changes.
Know you food, know your farmers, and know your kitchen. Start building up your larder! We don't even use that term any more.
I don't like the term 'mental illness.' I'd rather just say 'mad.' Just like I always say 'loony bin,' not 'mental hospital.'
I sing pop music that I like and that is completely unapologetic - which is actually the term: it's called 'unapologetic pop.
To be free, to come to terms with our lives, we have to have a direct experience of ourselves as we really are, warts and all.
The quality of TV drama nowadays is getting better and better. They've had to invent a new term for it: 'high-end television.'
When you use the term minority or minorities in reference to people, you're telling them that they're less than somebody else.
My style is constantly evolving. Style has been something that I think has been the hardest thing for me to come to terms with.
It kind of cracks me up when people say I'm hot because I just think that that's a term that I don't have to deal with anymore.
By the late '70s I had come to question the point of a great deal of what we were doing, in terms of the CIA's overall charter.
I didn't really think of role in those terms, like 'quirky best friend', when I read the script and when I came to the project.
Especially if you're over 40, shortening the term of your loan to pay it off sooner could make you mortgage-free in retirement.
It's that preparation that goes into each week. We have a term: 'Trust your training, trust your teammate, and trust yourself.'
I deplore the shying away that can go on, within women, from the term 'feminist.' I am, absolutely, all about being a feminist.
For lack of a better term, they've labeled me a sex symbol. It's flattering and it should happen to every bald, overweight guy.
The work the Mexicans are doing in terms of migration control on Mexico's southern border is crucial to our own border security.
From time immemorial, man has desired to comprehend the complexity of nature in terms of as few elementary concepts as possible.
Since I was five, I've known that I was adopted, which is a politically correct term for being clueless about one's own origins.
We need a balanced, long term energy policy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and preserve the beauty of the land we love.
I am a drifter, and as lonely as that can be, it is also remarkably freeing. I will never define myself in terms of anyone else.
If you want to work as a coach for longer term you need consistency, trust in the club and also the environment around the club.
It's hard to be successful over the long term if you're not unified and there's not that synergy between coach and front office.
Calvin [Trillin] was much more of a mover and a shaker. That's all I'm saying. I was a "weenie." That was another term back then.
In terms of how [Allied] looks, it's fantastic and much better than I had hoped because it's so lush and so beautifully executed.
If you are looking for a hedge for potential inflation for the future and have a longer term view, then gold is still a good bet.
Nobody can guarantee the real terms per pupil funding increase. In the Labour party's manifesto we know the figures don't add up.
What makes a classic is difficult to define. It's entirely subjective, of course. And the term is employed far too promiscuously.