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I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. But I can't stop eating peanuts.
Our Times, a Brief History: As televisions became flatter, People became rounder.
It doesn't take money to turn off the television and cultivate real bonding time.
The challenge is that we live in a time where there's a lot of crap on television.
I like radio and live performing stuff. I don't like the television stuff as much.
In film and television we are oftentimes so pampered that the truths are withheld.
We need Hollywood to make movies and television shows about sexy female engineers.
I don't like to watch golf on television because I can't stand people who whisper.
Television is a big roulette table on so many levels. That's all it is for actors.
Meet the Press is the oldest and most treasured public affairs show on television.
For all its flexibility, television is more a mirror of taste than a shaper of it.
More people are watching college football on Snapchat than they are on television.
Nothing good about the sun if you're trying to watch television with out curtains.
I've actually gotten so I don't associate television with entertainment very much.
Did television execs have souls? Now, that was an existential question and a half.
Killing characters on television has become an easy short cut to cathartic emotion.
The more personalized television gets, the less passive the experience will become.
Animation did not become the dominant form of children's television until the '60s.
Once you start watching a television show that you love you can't stop watching it.
We had a picture of the pope and President [J.F.] Kennedy on top of the television.
Television is full of fictional and real violence that's turned into entertainment.
I just personally feel like the best writing for actors exists in cable television.
I find it very difficult to live through the censorship of profanity on television.
Local television and local TV news isn't telling the voters about local candidates.
Television just turns people into nightmares. The egos! I call it Omarosa syndrome.
Television reflects our society in a more accurate way than at any time in the past.
Television is the menace that everyone loves to hate but can't seem to live without.
Humans are very good at dreaming, although you'd never know it from your television.
I've never liked much of reality television, mostly because it involves humiliation.
I always love to see singing on television; any form of a musical is exciting to me.
Television probably has become the most evocative, widely observed signpost we have.
'Young Indiana Jones' was one of the happiest times I ever had, so I love television.
Big actors want to work in television because they see it as being new and different.
Man, 'Twin Peaks' ruined me for television. I mean, how can you top a show like that.
Television can take anything. It can take the most exaggerated of storytelling forms.
You hope to see an arc of growth in your ability to become a character on television.
Television is a media of crisis, which means that television is a media of accidents.
Getting a second thing isn't always easy in this busy, competitive television market.
An actress, around 40, on television, that's where you get the most torture, I think.
Music is my heart, but I see television and more movies in the next stage of my life.
They want me on the television shows now because I did so well on Celebrity Assholes.
A lot of the things that I like to portray on television are otherwise my real views.
I always say that I started in television when harassed was two words instead of one.
TV holds a close second to cars for destroying our society. It's a failed experiment.
I loathe and detest movies and television and don't watch any. I do not have the time.
I would like to think that television would be representative of the world we live in.
I think American television changed world television in its reinvention of the series.
I don't do a television show for awards. You make it so people will enjoy watching it.
Everything that I've done on television has helped me to get the exposure that I need.
There are pop-culture things on television [that I like]. Not so much in music at all.