I have a 'Golden Tee' machine in my house.

It's so hard to make a good tee shot after a birdie.

I like questions that tee me up to make weird jokes, frankly.

Part of wearing a tee is saying, 'I'm comfortable and casual.'

In real life I wear one outfit and it's jeans and a white tee shirt.

You draw on your own childhood every time you tee it up as an actor.

The most nerves I've ever felt on the first tee was at the President's Cup.

I'm sorely disappointed that girls don't recognise me in a normal tee and jeans.

I'm not out there just to be dancing around. I expect to win every time I tee up.

I make sure that I'm 100 percent ready to go before I put that tee into the ground.

I'm much better off the tee. I'm not a great putter. I do not have a good short game.

I struggle off the tee. If I can hit my driver straight, then I'm usually playing well.

My iron game. I get into trouble a lot with my driver, so I tend to hit 3-wood off the tee.

My uncle, he's a big DJ out here in L.A. His name is DJ Tee; he's got a bar in Westchester.

I think I can be competitive. Heck, anybody who can walk to the first tee here has a chance.

I am always looking for a cool tee shirt; maybe one with a rock band or an old advertisement.

Confidence is everything. Confidence is what makes that simple white tee and jeans look good.

There was a time when all I cared about was the next game, the next party, the next tee time.

I thoroughly enjoy working with kids, whether it's The First Tee or the lesson tee with my grandkids.

Al Kaline bought a tee and a ball and swung at it all winter. Look where it got him: the Hall of Fame.

If there's a golf course in heaven, I hope it's like Augusta National. I just don't want an early tee time.

A straight factor is important in any comedy, because you need something to tee it up and also to ground it.

There are three things being a celebrity is good for: raising money for charity, dinner reservations and tee times.

I didn't execute to a tee. But my coach always told me if I went out there and did my own thing, it's OK as long as I win.

Parts for Asians are hard enough to get, and if Tee, which sounds kind of generically Asian, helps me get roles, so be it.

When I am in control of my game and my short game is on, I feel like I'll have a great chance to win any week I tee it up.

But just like I've always said when people complain about tee times, 'I just want a tee time. Just give me one so I can play.'

If you're going to have a bad attitude, you may as well not even tee it up that week because you probably won't play good anyways.

So it must be my mental, because sometimes when I start on the tee, I still worry about whether my ball is going to hit right or left.

At home, a T-shirt and something loose like harem pants would do. If I'm stepping out, a pair of blue jeans and a white tee are just fine.

Day-to-day, I don't wear make-up, my hair's not done, and I'm in ripped jeans and a Bonds tee. But doing red carpets is just part of work.

You don't have to be long off the tee, and we know the amazing effect an Open crowd can have if you're on your game and how they can lift you.

Spin is a tricky thing. When you're trying to avoid it - say, on a tee shot, where sidespin puts you in the trees - it's easy to make it happen.

I put on whatever is comfortable on me. Suit, jeans and tee as long as it's comfortable. It doesn't matter what brand. If it looks good I buy it.

A couple of my favorite podcasts are 'Still Processing' from 'The New York Times,' Oprah's 'Super Soul Conversations,' RuPaul's 'What's the Tee?'

I have a really simple wardrobe. I wear a low-scoop tee every day with a tux or leather jacket and tux pants or black jeans. That's pretty much it.

Every time you tee off as a professional golfer, whether people say it or not, your first prerogative is to make the cut. You can't win if you don't make the cut.

If you've ever played golf, you know that you yell 'fore' off the tee. You're not threatening somebody; you're warning them: 'Look, don't get hit by the ball, it's coming.'

I think I've always used a lower-lofted 3-wood, and I've been able to get the ball up. And, for me, I love having the versatility of it in the fairway, as well as off the tee.

You can watch videos and hit off the tee, stuff like that, but at the same time, it's you against the pitcher. I just need one swing or one pitch to click, and you can find your swing.

I'm sure you have a hole at your course where you love to hit the tee shot. You can't wait to get up there and bomb away because the fairway is wide, or the hole always plays downwind.

Who wants to miss their opportunity of playing in a Major... A golfer's career is all about it. The lesson I have learnt is that I will tee up for the Majors only when I am 100 percent fit.

I am a huge, huge fan of the plain white tee. A good-fitting, vintage plain white t-shirt, like the 'boyfriend shirt', is the sexiest thing a girl can wear. It goes with anything, fancy or casual.

I've always had jewelry over the years, but when it comes to clothes, I'm just a white or black Polo tee guy with some jeans and a pair of Jordans, and I'm cool. As long as I'm comfortable, I'm cool.

My golf score is really bad. I don't know. I'm definitely not a good golfer. Off the tee box, I can drive it about 275, and I'm in the fairway about 99% of the time. It's my next shot that needs work.

Young people really want you to give them a road map, and they will follow it to a tee. If you tell them, 'These are the eight steps you have to take to be successful,' they will do all eight very earnestly.

I'd say 230 yards off the tee is my average. Short game is a strength. I don't three-putt often. Actually, I'd say my mental game is probably the best. I'm very good at staying positive and focused on my game.

My biggest hobby is playing golf, which I really enjoy. Now when I am lying in bed at night, unable to sleep, I find myself thinking about my golf swing. I'm also involved in the Tampa Bay chapter of First Tee.

I learned through the 'Jack Nicklaus Lesson Tee,' the cartoon. Back then, it was 1970 or '69 when it came out. Learned the grip that way and everything in the cartoon... So that's kind of how it all started for me.

Growing up in Oakland, we did things like white t-shirt, blue jeans and Nikes. That was my get down, how I was going to rock. And if you look at me right now, I'm pretty much black tee, blue jeans and some sneakers.

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