My tears are buried in my heart, like cave-locked fountains sleeping.

When it's over it's over. No questions, no tears, no farewell kisses.

You see my tears, in the rain underneath it all, we're just the same.

Two things make the women unforgettable, their tears and their perfume

I've learnt to hide my tears on stage. They make people uncomfortable.

First deal with your own tears; tomorrow do something about acid rain.

I will not be tortured! I tear torture out of myself by torturing you!

The tears I have cried over Germany have dried. I have washed my face.

beyond this place of wrath and tears looms but the horror of the shade

Every time I get a lot of money, I cry, and I got a lot of tears left.

Crying is cleansing. There's a reason for tears, happiness or sadness.

I threw bitter tears at the ocean, but all that came back was the tide.

You can't see anything properly while your eyes are blurred with tears.

Half of the people lie with their lips; the other half with their tears

The human race could go extinct and I for one would not shed any tears.

The beauty of words will forever be stronger than the silence of tears.

Wipe the tears away, stand up, be a man, run your business, find a way.

I would want my legacy to be that I was a great son, father and friend.

Preventing liquidation of an unbalanced market will leave you in tears.

The images we create could turn into wild beasts and tear us to pieces.

LEGACY, n. A gift from one who is legging it out of this vale of tears.

Don't you know that I laugh because it is my last defense against tears?

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I was going to squirt tears. How unprofessional.

Even our tears of repentance need to be washed in the blood of the Lamb.

Love that is cleansed by tears will remain eternally pure and beautiful.

One should never be ashamed to cry. Tears are rain on the dust of earth.

What is done, is done: Spend not the time in tears, but seek for justice.

If you are an inventor, then you are destined for blood, sweat and tears.

it seems that tears and laughter, love and hate, make up the sum of life!

Certain realities of life we only see through eyes cleansed by our tears.

The tears of affliction are often needed to keep the eye of faith bright.

A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second an stops the third.

She wanted to go over and hug his tears away, but she was too frightened.

No one should ever preach on the topic of hell without a tear in his eye.

If you tear open our heart, you will only see Rahul Hanuman

Within tears, find hidden laughter Seek treasures amid ruins, sincere one.

I find you in these tears, few, useless and here at last. Don't come back.

Sorrows humanize our race; tears are the showers that fertilize the world.

Lord knows dreams are hard to follow, but don't let anyone tear them away.

When you get a class reciting some great poems, it'll tear your heart out.

The Bible was written in tears, and to tears it yields its best treasures.

Some say the world is a vale of tears, I say it is a place of soul-making.

I have my whole life organized on an 11x17-inch tear-away weekly calendar.

Sing Me no songs tell me no tales cry me no tears, but remember me kindly.

When a human's tears finally dry up forever, they transform into a monster.

You do not see the river of mourning because it lacks one tear of your own.

Grief embraced him and welcomed him back, showering tears upon his arrival.

Eyes are vocal, tears have tongues, And there be words not made with lungs.

It is the wisdom of the crocodiles, that shed tears when they would devour.

Too much of water hast thou, poor Ophelia, And therefore I forbid my tears.

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