If you would write emotionally, be first unemotional. If you would move your readers to tears, do not let them see you cry.

The first real Cassini image that brought tears to my eyes was an image of Jupiter. I didn't expect it to look so detailed.

The Victorians needed parody. Without it their literature would have been a rank and weedy growth, over-watered with tears.

Thinking about the suffering of those you hold dear can reduce you to tears; in fact, you could spend the whole day crying.

Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy; sweat will get you change.

One of his tears fell in my mouth, where it became a blue sapphire, source of strength, source of strength and eternal hope.

The earthly power sucks shadowed milk from sleepy tears undone, from nippled skin as smooth as silk the bugles blown as one.

Sin cannot tear you away from him [Christ] even though you commit adultery a hundred times a day and commit as many murders.

My eyes are dim with childish tears, My heart is idly stirred, For the same sound is in my ears Which in those days I heard.

When one has lost a friend one's eyes should be neither dry nor streaming. Tears, yes, there should be, but not lamentation.

O, my God! withhold from me the wealth to which tears and sighs and curses cleave. Better none at all than wealth like that.

With bikes, it is absolutely the case that you will get what you pay for. Invest in quality so it will endure wear and tear.

You can embark on new and steeper versions of your old sins, you know, and cry tears while doing it that are genuine as any.

But we survived, and we're a good family. I just don't want to dedicate one more tear, or watch my mother cry one more time.

When Alexander of Macedon was 33, he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer. Eric Bristow is only 27.

None are so desolate but something dear, Dearer than self, possesses or possess'd A thought, and claims the homage of a tear.

The stars are scattered all over the sky like shimmering tears, there must be great pain in the eye from which they trickled.

If you cant laugh at your own characters, or shed a tear for them, or even get angry at one of them, no one else will either.

There comes a point when you have to realize that the sum of all your blood, sweat, and tears will ultimately amount to zero.

The faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude.

He had only to touch me to turn my tears into sighs and my anger to desire. How accomodating love is; it forgives everything.

The quiet tenderness of Chaucer, where you almost seem to hear the hot tears falling, and the simple choking words sobbed out.

How life teaches us, breaks us, rewards us, and tears us apart... how it lifts us up and brings us down... the wonder of life.

A remarkable thing about me is that the time that elapses between a sad thought and a flood of tears is three or four seconds.

It is cold down in Washington, DC. They had to use an ice scraper on John Boehner's face to get the tears off, it was so cold.

Crying feels so good sometimes, and I do it when I'm happy, sad, stressed, scared. I like to believe that tears are my friend.

When Alexander of Macedon was 33, he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer. [Eric] Bristow is only 27.

I have three incredible nieces and a nephew who's going off to college. To hear them say they're proud of me left me in tears.

Raphael, tell him you won’t do anything to him if I get ‘damaged.’ ” “That would be a lie, Elena. I would tear out his throat.

When Sir Joshua Reynolds died All Nature was degraded; The King dropped a tear in the Queen's ear, And all his pictures faded.

A lot of my childhood memories involve walking home in floods of tears. At that age, feeling unpopular is difficult to handle.

You couldn't pay me enough money to go back to being 20. So many tears; what a nightmare it was. It's much better being older.

Many times through the ages, like as not the chance appears, but because of indecision, man's fond hopes are drowned in tears.

Because it is a customary cross, As die to love as thoughts, and dreams, and sighs, Wishes, and tears, poor fancy's followers.

If your life is a leaf that the seasons tear off and condemn they will bind you with love that is graceful and green as a stem.

Indeed, you become what you eat. In which case I am an onion. Layered, slightly sour and guaranteed to bring tears to the eyes.

Most blacks will argue that they excel because of hard work, because of intellect, determination, sweat, blood, tears and risk.

I was eleven years old when I saw a woman for the first time, and I was seized by such sudden surprise that I burst into tears.

I cannot tell you how many people, powerful people, come to my studio and they are in tears they are so moved by what they see.

I have a positive mental attitude, and I think I'm divine, but I also think it takes a heck of a lot of blood, sweat and tears.

What forests of laurel we bring, and the tears of mankind, to those who stood firm against the opinion of their contemporaries!

Chess is like a delicious drug which offers such heavenly delights that they can never tear themselves away from it completely.

We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered.

I always knew looking back on my tears would bring me laughter, but I never knew looking back on my laughter would make me cry.

Cricket has given me everything. If I'm anything today, it is because of the game... where I have given blood, sweat, and tears.

Let no one honour me with tears, or bury me with lamentation. Why? Because I fly hither and thither, living in the mouths of me.

I want to be the first person to animate bags - everything done for handbags bores me to tears - I want to make it more playful.

The longing to be holy makes us weep, and we trust tears since they are made of water and come from our body, a double blessing.

Before 'Whiplash,' I'd had a string of failed scripts. I'd pour my blood, sweat and tears into them, and no one would like them.

You do not have to struggle to reach God, but you do have to struggle to tear away the self-created veil that hides him from you

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