Call me crazy, but there's just something cheering about seeing huge raptors tear into Eraser flesh.

I've got to show at all times that I'm willing to tear any emcee a new asshole, at any given moment.

These tears do me good, they have watered the parched place; perhaps my heart will grow again there!

It's much more powerful and compelling to create a positive vision than it is to tear somebody down.

You’re in my bones and my blood and my heart,” he said. “I’d have to tear myself open to let you go.

Shining through tears, like April suns in showers, that labour to overcome the cloud that loads 'em.

Sipping Bailey's Cream by the stereo, trying to find relief on the radio. I'm suppressing the tears.

Let tears flow of their own accord; their flowing is not inconsistent with inward peace and harmony.

Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.

No matter how big you get, it's still okay to cry because everybody's got a right to their own tears.

When women and men can shed an equal quantity of tears in public, that's when we'll have equal power.

If our tears do not lead us to act then we have lost the reason of our humanity, which is compassion.

I wanted to take up music, so my father bought me a blunt instrument. He told me to knock myself out.

No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.

We carry oceans inside of us, in our blood and our sweat. And we are crying the oceans, in our tears.

I remember stealing some pic n' mix when I was seven; when I got out of the shop, I burst into tears.

The Taj Mahal rises above the banks of the river like a solitary tear suspended on the cheek of time.

Over this odd world, this half the world that's dark now, I have to hunt a thing that lives on tears.

Lives that flash in sunshine, and lives that are born in tears, receive their hue from circumstances.

Farewell, my old fan. / Having scribbled on it, / What could I do but tear it / At the end of summer?

I'm often very relaxed when I'm on the wire. There may be some tears because this is a dream of mine.

How odd it is that we so often weep for each other's distresses, when we shed not a tear for our own!

It’s human nature to tear one another apart. Be glad you come from such a successful line of killers.

I get bored with the constant probing for the cliched tears of the clown, the dark side of the comic.

Whatever we cannot easily understand we call God; this saves much wear and tear on the brain tissues.

I am not unaware of the saying that more tears have been shed over wishes granted than wishes denied.

I wish- I wish I could dry these tears, I wish I could make this better for you. But I don't know how.

What looks tragic might be comic on second consideration, and what is comic might bring tears in time.

You who look at everything through your perpetually open eyes, is your lucidity never bathed in tears?

This means a lot. I'm being recognized for all the blood, sweat and tears I put into a 17-year career.

Tears are the symbol of the inability of the soul to restrain its emotion and retain its self command.

Some tears have to be cried no matter what the hour- until they are, they simply rave and burn inside.

In grief, words are a poor consolation - silence and agonizing tears are all that is left the sufferer.

Do that again and, bracelet or no bracelet, I’ll tear your head off and use it for a doorstop. (Xypher)

Sometimes there's a sort of tear in the veil, and there are people who live in more than one dimension.

Youth is harmed by having wisdom thrust upon it. Youth must gather wisdom slowly, in laughter and tears.

Oh, I am very weary, Though tears no longer flow; My eyes are tired of weeping, My heart is sick of woe.

If we did not look to marriage as the principal source of happiness, fewer marriages would end in tears.

I learned more about God from the tears of homeless mothers than any systematic theology ever taught me.

I should rather like to tear these last pages out of the book. Shall I? No-a journal ought not to cheat.

He spoke, and loos'd our heart in tears. He laid us as we lay at birth On the cool flowery lap of earth.

I think, in my life, there've been three times I've broken down into tears on a set because I was happy.

Compassionate love may be strong. It sobs, it burns, then it wipes away its tears – and it does nothing.

We are called to love even in the loneliness, worship even in the tears and follow even in the darkness.

His eyes were dimmed with tears and, looking humbly up to heaven, he wept for the innocence he had lost.

It's been a journey of great stress and awakening. I have given my blood sweat and tears to 'Padmavati.'

In film, there's always this looking for the 'If you lay down and burst into tears, you did a good job.'

But for my sighs, I should be drowned by my tears; and but for my tears, I should be burned by my sighs.

Consoling a miserable soul, wiping the tears of a crying person is greater than any worldly achievement.

I, of whom I know nothing, I know my eyes are open, because of the tears that pour from them unceasingly.

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