He shows a greater mind who does not restrain his laughter, than he who does not deny his tears.

Winning the World Cup is the proudest moment of my life. ... I couldn't control my tears of joy.

Racism tears down your insides so that no matter what you achieve, you're not quite up to snuff.

Tear-stained flops are necessary. They're the gift you give yourself when you're willing to fly.

But, tears were not the things to find their way to Mr. Bumble's soul; his heart was waterproof.

Truth and tears clear the way to a deep and lasting friendship. True friendship is never serene.

False modesty is an attempt to tear yourself down. True humility focuses more on build up others.

It's a hard place this world can be. No wonder a baby cries coming in to it. Tears from the start

I wonder how many tears the ocean has swallowed, how much of the ocean is actually made of tears.

In Paris, everything's for sale: wise virgins, foolish virgins, truth and lies, tears and smiles.

Imagine no more tears, no more sorrow, no more pain... and one day we will forever be with Jesus.

By its very nature, hate destroys and tears down; by its very nature, love creates and builds up.

Where sin was hatch'd, let tears now wash the nest, Where life was lost, recover life with cries.

The graceful tear that streams for others' Man is the weeping animal born to govern all the rest.

Listen, Dundy, it's been a long time since I burst into tears because a policeman didn't like me.

Glory is a shroud that posterity often tears from the shoulders of those who wore it when living.

Fool that I am," said he,"that I did not tear out my heart the day I resolved to revenge myself".

When a man resolves to avenge himself, he should first of all tear out the heart from his breast.

Wit is often a mask. If you tear it you will find either genius irritated or cleverness juggling.

A slice of perfectly buttered, warm-from-the-oven bread has been known to bring tears to my eyes.

Don't apologize for all the tears you've cried, you've been way too strong now for all your life.

And Alpo ordered guys to slaughter guys, and the whole Harlem was in tears when Rich Porter died.

The common growth of Mother Earth Suffices me,-her tears, her mirth, Her humblest mirth and tears.

Never paint epic canvases during the revolution, because the revolutionaries will tear them apart.

My friends and family were also in tears with my decision to quit as they all loved me in Bidaai.'

Shining through tears, like April suns in showers, that labor to overcome the cloud that loads em.

When you're successful, people have no sympathy. Nobody wants to catch the tears of a millionaire.

I stood there in the shadowed doorway thinking with my tears. Yes, tears can be thoughts, why not?

Joe Frazier is so ugly that when he cries, the tears turn around and go down the back of his head.

Next to a circus there ain't nothing that packs up and tears out faster than the Christmas spirit.

People like to tear you down. People are always going to take shots. You've just got to go for it.

Tears are the natural penalties of pleasure. It is a law that we should pay for all that we enjoy.

The wounds I carry, she carries them too. The unshed tears in my head flow through her heart too .

O heart, we are old; The living beauty is for younger men: We cannot pay its tribute of wild tears.

Do what you will. Even if you tear yourself apart, most people will continue doing the same things.

I don't always choose to stay fit by playing tennis, because that comes with its own wear-and-tear.

I secretly love the song 'No More Tears.' It's my go-to karaoke song that I do with all my friends.

Go ahead and cry, Andy. Don't be afraid of those tears. Sometimes they help to wash the soul clean.

Does God care if I'm sad? Look at the tear-streaked face of Jesus as he stands near Lazarus's tomb.

I Shall Look At The World Through Tears. Perhaps I Shall See Things That, Dry-Eyed, I Could Not See

The pit of a theatre is the one place where the tears of virtuous and wicked men alike are mingled.

We live in a vale of tears...We can have all the dreams we like, but life is hard, implacable, sad.

Heaven is not gone, but we are blind with tears, Groping our way along the downward slope of Years!

Sometimes one feels that it would be merciful to tear down these houses, for they must often dream.

I wipe away my tears and nod, because the pain in my leg is nothing compare to the one in my heart.

Tears are often to be found where there is little sorrow, and the deepest sorrow without any tears.

God washes the eyes by tears unil they can behold the invisible land where tears shall come no more.

I defy anyone to finish Halldor Laxness's 'Independent People' without wetting the pages with tears.

The most despairing songs are the most beautiful, and I know some immortal ones that are pure tears.

Memories are bullets. Some whiz by and only spook you. Others tear you open and leave you in pieces.

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