Money lost is bewailed with unfeigned tears. [Lat., Ploratur lacrimis amissa pecunia veris.]

God is the ultimate steward. He even turns our tears into the seeds of a hope filled future.

Tears shed for self are tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of strength.

There is a certain pleasure in weeping; grief finds in tears both a satisfaction and a cure.

Rumors of sneezing, kissing, tears, sweat, and saliva spreading AIDS caused people to panic.

I would not cry. I do not cry. How bitter do you risk becoming by swallowing too many tears?

What if everything in the world were a misunderstanding, what if laughter were really tears?

There is no sense in crying over spilt milk. Why bewail what is done and cannot be recalled?

A city is like a family portrait - you don't tear it up if you don't like your uncle's nose.

You cry tears when a man leaves you at any age - it doesn't matter whether you are 20 or 60.

I don't think you're very strong unless you've cried a few tears. You've never really lived.

I know she is crying. Her tears fall on the wrong side, into the bottomless well inside her.

Ceaseless as the interminable voices of the bell-cricket, all night till dawn my tears flow.

The dews of the evening most carefully shun; Those tears of the sky for the loss of the sun.

When you reach for the stars, you lose blood and tears. That's something you should remember.

Sometimes we love with nothing more than hope. Sometimes we cry with everything except tears.

Our present tears here, not our present laughter Are but the handsells of our joys hereafter.

I recorded the song live in front of an orchestra, and yes, I was very moved, I was in tears.

Tears throw a veil over our faults and allow us to accuse fate without fear or contradiction.

It is little men know of women; their smiles and their tears alike are seldom what they seem.

Only someone who had cried a great deal understands why someone else wants to stop the tears.

I am fed up. I am fed up with tears and weakness. But there isn't much I can do to stop them.

Caleb," I say, "I love you." His eyes gleam with tear as he says, "I love you, too, Beatrice.

I watched my head rolling on the floor. It landed face up and a big tear came out of one eye.

All good poetry is forged slowly and patiently, link by link, with sweat and blood and tears.

Let's try our best? I hope that someday the many, many tears that were shed will be worth it.

There's an old Sysan saying that the soup of life is salty enough without adding tears to it.

All good poetry is forged slowly and patiently, link by link, with sweat and blood and tears.

The truth is that there are such things as Christian tears, and too few of us ever weep them.

When summoned hence to thine eternal sleep, Oh, may'st thou smile while all around thee weep.

Smiles, tears, of all my life! - and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.

I gave my blood, sweat and tears over here - the St. Louis Rams, then coming to the L.A. Rams.

You have the power to tear me to pieces, to wound me so deep and true that I‘ll never recover.

The blood will follow where the knife is driven, The flesh will quiver where the pincers tear.

Don't tear your hair out over a woman; it'll be harder to attract the next one if you're bald.

A book that bores me to tears is a book that neglects character building and quality of prose.

Thank you for all the birthday wishes, it's brought a tear to my eye, and a boner to my pants.

Whatever mourns when many leave these shores: Whatever shares The eternal reciprocity of tears.

The nation wept tears of remorse for their leader: the tear-gas accomplished what was expected.

The tears of the young who go their way, last a day; But the grief is long of the old who stay.

He wept, and it felt as if the tears were cleansing him, as if his body needed to empty itself.

Anyone who assesses you or your relationship as disposable is not worthy of your time or tears.

Argument need not be heated; it can be punctuated with courteous smiles - or sympathetic tears.

If you laughed earlier in the poem, and I bring you close to tears in the end, that's the best.

In a fast, the body tears down its defective parts and then builds anew when eating is resumed.

There is no happiness without tears, no life without death. Beware! I am going to make you cry.

Tis emblematic, the rose of youth and health soon fades when watered by the tear of affliction.

Love is meant to LIFT you up, not tear you down. It is meant to strengthen you, not weaken you.

Heroes in books should be so much better than heroes got up for the world's common wear and tear

I've always been able to transform happiness and pain and sorrow and tears into positive energy.

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