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There is only one thing that could make me near homicidal. Yeah - this is called My Proper Tea.
Here thou, great Anna! Whom three realms obey, / Dost sometimes counsel take—and sometimes tea.
After Frankenstein, I feel as if I want to make a film about somebody having a nice cup of tea.
A tea set is good for a newborn girl. It is a gift that instantly makes the room a girl's room.
Happy birthday to Arnold Palmer, who turned 82. That's 41 years iced tea and 41 years lemonade.
Even the klan revamped their image by losing the hoods and changing their name to the Tea Party.
a women is like a tea bag.it's only when she is in hot water that you realize how strong she is.
When you're writing, it's a very solitary job. It's you and your word processor and a cup of tea.
Honestly, if you're given the choice between Armageddon or tea, you don't say "what kind of tea?"
There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.
I love peppermint tea, as it's much nicer than taking anything chemical for settling your stomach.
You can't go to sleep without a cup of tea and maybe thats the reason that you talk in your sleep.
The Tea Party knows that continuing to delay charting a course to spending reform hurts everybody.
I wanted to feel at home so I've brought Yorkshire Tea Bags in my suitcase, as well as my slippers!
Tea, although an OrientalIs a gentleman at least;Cocoa is a cad and coward,Cocoa is a vulgar beast.
The Republican Party would be really smart to absorb as much of the Tea Party movement as possible.
My occupation doesn't really allow for routines, but I'm pretty consistent about tea in the morning.
The look in Marlee's eyes was triumphant, and the smile hiding behind her cup of tea said, 'Gotcha'!
It would be inaccurate to say the Tea Partiers are racists. What they are, in truth, are narcissists.
When tea becomes ritual, it takes place at the heart of our ability to see greatness in small things.
To make up a dance, I still need, as I needed then, a pot of tea, walking space, privacy and an idea.
I would make tea for Joni Mitchell or clean her car, anything to be in the studio and watch her work.
Socialists try to convince us that the tea becomes sweet not because of sugar, but because of mixing.
Oh, my friends, be warned by me, That breakfast, dinner, lunch and tea, Are all human frame requires.
I'm fantastic at cooking up stories. In the kitchen, I can, at best, make tea and a badly shaped dosa.
Let me tell you what the Tea Party stands for. It stands for the fact that we are taxed enough already.
Disciples and devotees…what are most of them doing? Worshipping the teapot instead of drinking the tea!
One day I decided to try to have a complete day without tea. I was quite shaken. I was quite disturbed.
[On public events attended by royalty:] It was the usual 'zoo tea.' You know, we eat - the others watch.
They are at the end of the gallery; retired to their tea and scandal, according to their ancient custom.
We've got some Democrats who are actually Tea Partiers right now. We need to build coalitions with them.
Karl Marx himself preferred a glass of claret to the mug of tea affected by some of his recent converts.
I like to play acoustic slide. I like that. I just... I can do it, you know. But it ain't my cup of tea.
I'm like a fine-tuned race car. You've got to make frequent pit stops when you drink as much tea as I do.
I get a thick book full of death, destruction, strife, and chaos. That's what I take with my morning tea.
I hope next time when we meet, we won't be fighting each other. Instead we will be drinking tea together.
Is there no Latin word for Tea? Upon my soul, if I had known that I would have let the vulgar stuff alone.
Tea is quiet and it takes a quiet palate to appreciate something that calls so little attention to itself.
There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.
My mother always tried to keep a little bit of British culture in our family. We'd drink tea all the time!
As much as you can eat healthy, it's also important to remember to drink healthy too. Tea is very healing.
Why do they always put mud into coffee on board steamers? Why does the tea generally taste of boiled boots?
A home kept to the end of display is impossible to all but a few women, and their success is dearly bought.
Happiness isn't a thing. You can't go out and get it like a cup of tea. It's the way you feel about things.
I get up at 5.30am, sluice myself and have two Weetabix and some mint tea, before starting to write by 6am.
Drag queens have always taken on that role of spilling the tea - and the tea is the emperor has no clothes!
When I travel on an airplane, I like to be served TWA milk and TWA coffee. But I love to be served TWA tea.
I just like to take my time, have a cup of tea and read the paper. I don't like starting the day in a panic.
When you have nobody you can make a cup of tea for, when nobody needs you, that's when I think life is over.
Not that we've got anything against America, mind. But let's face it, you make a lousy cup of tea over here.