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I learned that things taste better on pretty plates.
Taste refers to the past, imagination to the future.
Inspiration in matters of taste will not come twice.
I don't think I've got bad taste. I've got no taste.
About chocolate: "This is what laughing tastes like.
Taste in comedy, like fashion, changes all the time.
I never lost the taste and craft of the Renaissance.
The United States must get a taste of its own poison.
Matters of taste are not, it turns out, moral issues.
I can describe to you the taste of government cheese.
He whose mouth is out of taste says the wine is flat.
There's a taste in my mouth and it's no taste at all.
At the very least, my tastes are out of the ordinary.
I was sold on flying as soon as I had a taste for it.
I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch.
My taste in music and entertainment is quite eclectic.
A person’s tongue can give you the taste of his heart.
The real seat of taste was not the tongue but the mind
Once you taste the sweet honey, you want more of that.
A day in which I don't write leaves a taste of ashes.
There is something majestic in the bad taste of Italy.
To understand bad taste one must have very good taste.
I make bad choices. I've got such dodgy tastes in men.
A lot of my friends hate my music. I have weird taste.
Nothing is more fearful than imagination without taste.
Power, like fear, had a taste. But power tasted better.
I tried good taste, but the strain was too much for me.
No oyster in the world tastes as good as a Gulf oyster.
Pearls, including cheap ones, are always in good taste.
You don't have to lay an egg to know if it tastes good.
Intelligence is really a kind of taste: taste in ideas.
Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art.
An early taste of death is not necessarily a bad thing.
This is Seattle. We're supposed to have superior taste.
I do think of myself as a taste-maker, yes, absolutely.
Let your condiments be in the condition of your senses.
... acquired tastes are the mark of the man of leisure.
When you've tasted excess, everything else tastes bland.
Without freedom of expression, good taste means nothing.
M stands for Magic, Mystery, or Matrixaccording to taste
Great art stretches the taste, it doesn't follow tastes.
The handshake of the host affects the taste of the roast
Never underestimate the bad taste of the American public
Beauty is the sole ambition, the exclusive goal of Taste.
Everything I cook tastes better than yo' momma's nipples.
I'll let the people decide what they think is good taste.
Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.
A taste for the beautiful is most cultivated out of doors
What we learned here is love tastes bitter when it's gone.
Blue Face Disgusting taste Flush it Shush it Cold disgrace