My musical tastes change every week.

Taste is the common sense of genius.

When you taste honey, remember gall.

An actor should refine public taste.

Genius creates, and taste preserves.

All tastes are expressions of belief.

I have a simple taste, only the best.

I like reality. It tastes like bread.

Bad taste makes the day go by faster.

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

I have quite catholic taste in music.

I'm learning how to taste everything.

Genius has no taste for weaving sand.

Art has got nothing to do with taste.

Bad taste is a species of bad morals.

I am willing to taste any drink once.

Truth is disputable, not human taste.

I think bad taste should be a felony.

Only youth has a taste of immortality.

Let's just say I have expensive taste.

Good taste is the enemy of creativity.

You can almost taste the pressure now.

Taste the joy That springs from labor.

Drinking is bad taste but tastes good.

There's no common taste in this world.

Good taste is death. Vulgarity is life.

Taste goodness before you recommend it.

Good taste consists first upon fitness.

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

I have an opinion. I have my own taste.

Good taste is death; vulgarity is life.

If only art were as rare as good taste.

Good taste is as tiring as good company.

Taste begins when appetite is satisfied.

Caught between the tongue and the taste.

Chicken is Good! It tastes like chicken.

How do they taste? They taste like more.

Taste may change, but inclination never.

Apples taste sweetest when they're going.

When birds burp, it must taste like bugs.

The most important thing in art is taste.

I know how to be sour. I know that taste.

I don't want to do anything in bad taste.

What do yo think human flesh tastes like?

Fashion designers are dictators of taste.

I'm like a monk with a taste for hookers.

Be artistic, choose taste, set an example.

Of all smells, bread; of all tastes, salt.

Taste is a result of a thousand distastes.

Of the smells, bread; of the tastes, salt.

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