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The First Amendment rejects red tape, cover-up and double-speak.
I ain't never far away from a pencil and paper or a tape recorder.
If I get an idea I put it on tape and somebody else writes it out.
Hmm, on my downtime, I take a shower or listen to the Bible on tape.
Dampier is soft. Quote it, underline it, tape it and send it to him.
You might be a redneck if you have every episode of Hee Haw on tape.
A smile and a laugh are the duct tape of life; they can fix anything.
Duct tape works anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshiped.
All schoolchildren are hostages to red tape and fiscal insufficiency.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of bandages and adhesive tape.
Every person walking has some kind of talent that they can get on tape.
There are all kinds of mix tapes. There is always a reason to make one.
When God measures a man he puts the tape around the heart, not the head.
When I want to play music, you've got to get me on tape or else it goes.
Once you duct-tape a Ziploc bag to a man's chest, there's no going back.
I think everyone, once in his life, should be given a ticker-tape parade.
God never measures the mind... He always put His tape measure in the HEART
I do think music sounds better when it's on tape and more simply recorded.
Don't ever use duct tape on your privates. That's what I always tell people.
I think I'm going to do a workout tape called 'Hand to God to Abs of Steel.'
There are women who are wishing that they were that piece of tape right now.
I have everything in boxes. Thousands of those tapes. I've saved everything.
Sometimes when I hear my voice on tape, I'm like, 'Who is that horrible man?
I was 4 and dictating stories into a tape recorder, and my mom typed them up.
There are so many young fans out there who have only seen me wrestle on tape.
Sometimes when I hear my voice on tape, I'm like, 'Who is that horrible man?'
Trump apologized for nothing, including the horrible tape, right? No apology.
I love the Digital Era! I grew up in a time that started from cassette tapes.
I have some vivid memories of walking around as a child with a cassette tape.
If I'm at a party and someone puts on a Blues Brothers tape, I tend to go nuts.
I think I'm hysterical. I watch myself on tape and just roar - isn't that weird?
Recalling a memory is not like playing a tape recorder. It's a creative process.
I had a nightmare that I slept without my nose tape on thank God it wasn't true!
I will have an administrative system where there is no way to extricate red tape.
I love watching game tape. I can do it all day long and enjoy every minute of it.
You were playing your instruments? Or do you have tape recorders under your seats?
We too often hear about red tape but what they mean is the vital rights of workers.
What's that sticky stuff called? Basta: Duct tape. Yes, duct tape. I love duct tape.
Red tape will often get in your way. It's one of the reasons I often carry scissors!
And I suppose tapes are a desperate attempt to steal something from Death's suitcase.
Bureaucracy and red tape should not delay our efforts to bring help to those in need.
They should probably have a James Brown aerobic tape. You would lose a lot of weight.
If you look at Jane Fonda's first tape, it's like, 'How to injure yourself to music.'
I can't get a relationship to last longer than it takes to make copies of their tapes.
Those [Watergate] tapes are going to take me to my grave with a huge smile on my face.
Anytime you fight a champion, you got to watch the tape closely and study him closely.
Every mix tape tells a story. Put them together, and they add up to the story of life.
When there are things I see on tape that I think I can get better at, it frustrates me.
When you construct a mix tape, the first song you come out with has to be a barnburner.
It's real difficult to pin down directions. I just want to do collaboration-tape stuff.