Seeing the small is called clarity.

Excellent warriors are not violent.

The sturdiest virtue seems fragile.

Use the light to return to clarity.

Excellent soldiers are not furious.

The most eloquent seems to stutter.

Excellent conquerors do not engage.

The truest sayings are paradoxical.

Loss is not as bad as wanting more.

The Tao's principle is spontaneity.

The high must make the low its base.

The ancients said: Hulk to be whole.

Behave simply and hold on to purity.

The grandest virtue seems deficient.

Meet the difficult while it is easy.

The separate parts make no carriage.

He who knows himself is enlightened.

Make the small big and the few many.

Wary, as if surrounded by strangers.

Those who are unswerving have resolve

Returning is the movement of the Way.

Initially there's absolutely nothing.

Stop thinking, and end your problems.

Nurture the spontaneous peaceful life.

The noble must make humility his root.

He who talks more is sooner exhausted.

There is no greater crime than desire.

The best way to carve is not to split.

Lessen selfishness and restrain desires.

Battles are followed by years of famine.

The Great Vessel takes long to complete.

From wonder into wonder existence opens.

Who can rest until the moment of action?

The progress of the Way seems retreating.

To rule by knowledge ravages the country.

Those who know when to halt are unharmed.

Those who are content suffer no disgrace.

The longer you travel, the less you know.

Not praising the deserving prevents envy.

What's the difference between yes and no?

To have enough of enough is always enough.

Those who stay where they are will endure.

Holding on to the weak is called strength.

What is well planted will not be uprooted.

To see things in the seed, that is genius.

The way of heaven is to help and not harm.

Water is the symbol of pure consciousness.

Searching for precious goods leads astray.

Thorn bushes grow where armies have camped.

Filling life exceedingly is called ominous.

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