There is something more to "reality" than just the tangible. There is also mood, and you cannot skip that.

Our age is before all things a practical one. It demands of us all clear and tangible results of our work.

Solitude becomes a sort of tangible enemy, the more dangerous, because it dwells within the citadel itself.

Let us all remember this: one cannot proclaim the Gospel of Jesus without the tangible witness of one's life.

When I set goals, they're more tangible than becoming famous. You don't build a company or a foundation for fame.

DVDs have their place, but the cinema is a tangible, emotional experience that I would hate my children not to have.

I learned that surrounding myself with people who are able to help me is like being surrounded by tangible godliness.

I have big hope for the Canadian government to help Somalia with something concrete and tangible. I haven't seen that.

Each of us possesses a tangible living soul. The system has no such thing. We must not allow the system to exploit us.

Science provides tangible evidence of its accuracy and importance. Religion makes excuses for its absence of the same.

I've always felt from everyone I talk to that the fans feel like I'm tangible and they can talk to me and they know me.

I don't create from a place of me making art for art's sake, but wanting my work to actually do stuff... tangible things.

With cooking, there's always the tangible and the intangible: that which is in the domain of sentiment, of the individual.

We want to see companies making a good faith effort and putting some tangible initiatives behind their pledge for diversity.

Foreign policy should not be justified through making oneself feel good, but through results that have tangible consequences.

The atmosphere is different in Congress after September 11. Terrorism is no longer an abstract issue, but a real, tangible threat.

Don't say 'wife.' I'm your mistress. Wife's such an ugly word. Your 'permanent mistress' is so much more tangible and desirable… .

Sneakers have become a significant category for us and a very tangible reminder that what our customers want and wear is changing.

The costs of poor quality are tangible; they will cost you customers and money, and ultimately affect the success of your business.

It is only in the act of nursing that a woman realizes her motherhood in visible and tangible fashion; it is a joy of every moment.

Sometimes I would see them not as mementos of the blissful hours but as the tangible precious debris of the storm raging in my soul.

I think when you suffer a tremendous loss, everybody needs love and support in tangible ways. And that's what people have done for us.

We're trying to be the top employer of recent grads in the country. Size gives us leverage to have a tangible impact on school systems.

The human heart is so delicate and sensitive that it always needs some tangible encouragement to prevent it from faltering in its labour.

We have to improve our ability to deliver tangible results, namely sales, not simply awareness or change of attitude among opinion formers.

The Prohibition era is so vividly depicted in 'Lawless.' John Hillcoat does a remarkable job of rooting his film in such a tangible reality.

More than any other super-hero, 'Spider-Man' presents us with something very local in its ethics. It's not messianic. It's far more tangible.

To act is to anchor in an imminent future, so imminent it becomes almost tangible; to act is to feel you are consubstantial with that future.

A nation must be embraced, rehabilitated and expressed as a tangible sign of human creativity and as an integral element of mankind's heritage.

There was a tangible sense of potential as we packed them up. 'We're giving people 3-D printers that they can afford. What are they gonna make?

Promises to love without putting those words into action are just empty proposals. It's not tangible until it is actually seen. Love is action.

I am convinced that words are things, and we simply don't have the machinery to measure what they are. I believe that words are tangible things.

I don't know what leadership is. You can't touch it. You can't feel it. It's not tangible. But I do know this: you recognize it when you see it.

I have been taking some classes in woodworking. It's really helpful just looking at a problem, and having a very tangible way in constructing it.

I chose a career in medicine because I wanted a tangible skill with which to serve people. And so my role as a physician is my attempt to do that.

Music needs a visual element to make it tangible. So, naturally, there's gonna be a synergy between high-level art direction and high-level albums.

I'm blessed to have a platform that allows me to speak to many at once. I recognize that I can make consciousness a tangible thing for young people.

More apparent to Teamster members than any moral lapses were the tangible gains that had been steadily realized under Hoffa since his advent to power.

Usually, by the time I hit 'save' before taking a nap, my word count has gone down, but the world I'm creating feels more tangible than it did before.

However, lifestyle intervention requires discipline with a tangible end result that is within reach. It requires personal resolve, a lifelong commitment.

I already have legitimacy as a filmmaker and now I'm trying to do stuff that's just fun. Until I find a cool tangible subject again that I want to tackle.

Where civil society thrives, governments operate with more transparency and accountability. This creates a tangible impact on the lives of everyday citizens.

Unlike Elise, who could discover parts of a person they didn't even know were absent, you specialized in tangible, but that, I feared, was only a matter of time.

It is a good motive, fame and money, as it is tangible and measurable. Being an artist is neither measurable nor tangible and certainly not a way to become rich.

I wanted something that was really well-made but also still hitting a price point that's tangible and logical for average people - that's who I want to cater to.

It struck me that what I'd heard about certain celebrities was true: they had It, whatever the hell It was. Star power isn't a myth; it is tangible and forceful.

A sister is someone who owns part of what you own: a house, perhaps, or a less tangible legacy, like memories of your childhood and the experience of your family.

For my family and my neighbors, America stood for something real, something tangible. America, and therefore Americans, stood for freedom, family, truth and justice.

You spend a lot of time studying, and you want to do something with that. Something that's tangible, like creating a show, writing a screenplay, making a difference.

Not all the ravages caused by our merciless age are tangible ones. The subtler forms of destruction, those involving only the human spirit, are the most to be dreaded.

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