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My entire high school career - my entire school career - I've been like three feet taller than everyone in my grade.
People want to look taller and thinner. No one says, 'Ooh! Let me buy that dress because it makes me feel matronly!'
I was always very, very insecure about my height. Even as a 15-year-old I was a foot and a half taller than everyone.
It's really easy, once somebody passes away, for the tales about them to become taller, the good ones and the bad ones.
I'm four minutes older. Of all the competitions in our life, I won the first one. Though Drew is a quarter inch taller.
My mom and I aren't the same size. She's a bit taller. And we're not the same shoe size either, which is heartbreaking.
A trick for looking taller is to wear a top and pants in the same color family - and to hide heels underneath the pants!
I'm 5 9, and there were two stars in my life who didn't mind that I was taller than they - George Raft and John Garfield.
I dare you to put me in a back alley with Randy Orton or someone like that. I guarantee I'm not afraid of someone taller.
I honestly think I've gotten taller since I started doing Pilates. And my posture is totally different - no more slouching!
Sometimes at 155 pounds I was the smaller fighter, at 145 pounds I am more often the bigger fighter, and the taller fighter.
All short women have a delayed fuse. Marry a taller woman: My wife was an inch or two taller than me; it's a sign of security.
All my life I've tried to hide my height. I was taller than everybody else and stood out, so I would slouch and try to hide it.
I've never had plastic surgery, but if they made a new invention for making people taller, I'd be the first to have the surgery.
I have the impression that the women around me are like me - smaller, taller, fatter, thinner - but in fact, we are all the same.
I was taller than most of the kids. When I started playing basketball, my coach put me at point guard. Europeans do that sometimes.
I am 5 feet 1 3/4 inches. Often when I meet people who have only seen me on TV they say, 'I always thought you were so much taller!'
Elle Fanning is the sweetest, most adorable thing ever. Although maybe I can't say she's adorable, because she's way taller than me.
I have always been an obsessive reader - I remember going back and forth to the local library with stacks of books taller than I was.
Bollywood is neither an industry nor a corporate house. It's a jungle of ambition where every one wants to grow taller than the other.
In play, a child is always above his average age, above his daily behavior; in play, it is as though he were a head taller than himself.
Taller people get very competitive. When I meet someone who's close to me or taller, I'm straight up; I don't wanna be smaller than them.
I want somebody athletic, outgoing, at least two inches taller than I am, rugged, very outdoorsy, a leader, someone who would overpower me.
Lets see, I remember the first time I went to Japan, I loved that because I was taller than everyone! I'm only 5'7' but in Japan that's good!
I'm a bit taller too because I've got Mum's legs and Dad was a bit more squat and well-built than me. My brother Andrew is a bit more like Dad.
Valentine's Day is a perfect time to reject the idea that the ideal man is taller, richer, more knowledgeable, more renowned, or more powerful.
I think, head up and shoulders back. Not only does it make you look taller and thinner but it gives you confidence and boosts your self-esteem.
In addition to firming your abdominals, Pilates also helps strengthen and stretch the entire body from head to toe, helping you to stand taller.
I've never been particularly happy with what I see in the mirror - I don't think anybody ever is. And I'd like to be taller, too: I'm 5 ft. 9in.
People always think I'm taller than I am - not just because of the shoes I wear but because of the way I dress. It's all relatively streamlined.
Every teacher in elementary school loved me because I was always goofing around. I was taller than most of the guys and girls, and fattest, too.
A crenelated wall of books encircles my bed, its tottering towers looming ever taller, always on the verge of collapsing onto oblivious sleepers.
Certain men get intimidated and insecure around me. They can never get over the fact that I am taller than they are, but it really shouldn't matter.
I tell everyone that I'm 5 feet-1 inch tall, but I think I'm technically 5 feet. My mom says she's 4 feet 11 inches, and I'm barely taller than her.
Prince never, ever mentioned it except to say he wished he was taller so he could play basketball. He was actually a really great basketball player.
My childhood was really comfortable and secure, but school was a nightmare. I was a lot taller than the other girls and they called me Gitte the giraffe.
I was always okay with the fact that I was taller and bigger than everybody else growing up. My mom, my dad, and my friends always told me I was beautiful.
In those days I would go for an interview and find myself competing with this other chap who would always be younger and taller, and much handsomer than I.
As a kid, I was so short, it was tough for me to keep up with the taller guys. I always had quick feet, but I just didn't have any power, really, as a kid.
Makeup does a lot for your confidence. When I put makeup on, I walk taller. I smile more. I feel good. I know I look prettier. Even if I just put day makeup on.
I was overweight when I went to school. In fact, I was overweight when I left, just taller. Fatty Cavill was the nickname. I mean, no one wants to be Fatty Cavill.
I was always taller than every other boy my age. So, whenever there was one boy who was taller than me I was like, 'Yes. He's the one.' Even if he definitely wasn't.
I think I'm starting to be able to stand a little taller. I feel like I paid my dues and I feel like I deserve to be where I am. I feel like I've worked really hard.
Although I am the oldest with the biggest moustache, my brothers are progressively taller; I put it down to the extra potatoes they were able to eat after I left home.
I like to wear clothes that look the best on my body, which is why I wear a lot of crop tops and high waisted bottoms - it gives me more shape and makes me look taller.
Men in high heels? That's a prosthesis. But I sympathise. Women have these giant heels. They get taller and taller. The men need help. But a man in heels is ridiculous.
People can pick and choose what they want out of it, but I feel like I'm a modern day Renaissance man of anything you could want me to do... except be six inches taller.
It's really odd to be up close to an icon like Bruce Willis. You're used to seeing him on a screen, 50 feet tall. To think, 'Hmm, I'm taller than you are' is just weird.
With the time, as I was growing up and I got taller and my arms were longer, I developed this aggressive style because I think it was better for me, for my style of game.
I think the World Trade Center should be rebuilt as the World Trade Center, only stronger and one story taller. I hate what they're doing with the World Trade Center site.