Good morning, doctors. I have taken the liberty of removing Windows 95 from my hard drive.

My death will be caused by morphine, which I have deliberately taken with suicidal intent.

All the filmmakers I've worked with have taken my desire to educate myself very seriously.

I think that an act of love is immortal; once tendered, it can never really be taken back.

Put the hero back in the super hero movies, because I think 'super' might have taken over.

As long as karma exists, the world changes. There will always be karma to be taken care of.

Even the smallest victory is never to be taken for granted. Each victory must be applauded.

Whenever Hollywood gets involved with real life events, certain liberties have to be taken.

With the benefit of hindsight, had more care been taken, maybe this could have been avoided

I wish I'd not taken off all my clothes in my first television series, 'The Camomile Lawn.'

A man's shortcomings are taken from his epoch; his virtues and greatness belong to himself.

You know, Tolstoy, like myself, wasn't taken in by superstitions like science and medicine.

The body must be properly taken care of. The people who torture their flesh are demoniacal.

Sometimes, instead of going down the road less taken, you just charge down the beaten path.

I may have taken someone through the wringer psychologically, but I've never been sinister.

Pictures you have taken have an influence on those that you are going to make. That's life!

Do not be fooled by your youthful appearance for very soon it would be taken away from you.

We hate merit while it is with us; when taken away from our gaze, we long for it jealously.

There is nothing in nature that can't be taken as a sign of both mortality and invigoration.

I've taken my knickers off. My friends told me my panty line was visible, so I went without.

Bullets cannot be recalled. They cannot be uninvented. But they can be taken out of the gun.

I find that if I've taken care of myself first, I can then be there fully for everyone else.

No one ever chats me up; I think they all think I'm taken. Either that or no one fancies me.

You can take of a man's money, but when it's all said and done, you've only taken his money.

I have heard your views. They do not harmonize with mine. The decision is taken unanimously.

History is idle gossip about a happening whose truth is lost the instant it has taken place.

I think I've failed every test I've ever taken. If there was a failure I would have been it.

When I look back on my knee-jerk reactions now, I realize I should have just taken a breath.

I like to control the risk I take. And when risk is taken out of my hands, it frustrates me.

Neither team has really taken the baton by the scruff of the neck and put their stamp on it.

Twelve years on sets watching directors, I've taken a bit from everybody and rejected a lot.

I can't begin to describe the amount of crap I've taken for being a lousy free-throw shooter.

Freedom was taken away from my family until we landed in America and it was given back to us.

I've struggled with money when I could have had a little more if I'd just taken the damn job.

I am against performance-enhancing drugs. I have never taken them and I never will take them.

Don't take the wrong side of an argument just because your opponent has taken the right side.

There are several multiple-witnessed events where humans have been taken on board spacecraft.

The real being of language is that into which we are taken up when we hear it - what is said.

Donald Trump has been someone who has basically taken every position that Vladimir Putin has.

I have never taken any exercise, except sleeping and resting, and I never intend to take any.

I've taken up the Bible again, somewhat in the spirit of W.C. Fields - looking for loopholes.

An intelligence test sometimes shows a man how smart he would have been not to have taken it.

The United States of America have taken their name from the United States of the Netherlands.

Hillary Clinton is taken in massive amounts of money from foreign countries and other things.

I have never understood why public opinion about European ideas should be taken into account.

I gave no prescriptions, And those who have taken my moods for prophecies Mistake the matter.

Tom Hanks has taken George Clooney's place as the big-hitter driving a lot of liberal causes.

For me, nothing has ever taken precedence over being a mother and having a family and a home.

Women will never be taken seriously until they accept full responsibility for their sexuality.

I'm not an exhibitionist in any way, shape or form. I don't even like having my picture taken!

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