It's cool just because I've had this dream of changing the sport of swimming and it's finally happening.

I've always been more comfortable sinking while clutching a good theory than swimming with an ugly fact.

If I don't channel pain into a song, I play my guitar or play the piano or play my drums, or go swimming.

If you want to learn to swim jump into the water. On dry land no frame of mind is ever going to help you.

Even the rats are drowning,' Alex said. Nah,' Kevin said. 'They've been taking swimming lessons at the Y.

The swimming community is really conservative. I don't know why, because we're in no clothing whatsoever.

Stop swimming around in your own mind. That is a dangerous neighborhood that you should not go into alone.

I've never felt like I fit in. I always feel like I'm walking in the wrong direction or swimming upstream.

You can tell it's a poem because it's swimming in a little gel pack of white space. That shows it's a poem.

With that radio I was always swimming with the current political streams in the West. I was never stranded.

I was into sports and swimming as a kid and didn't spend a whole lot of time sitting down. I was a gymnast.

You mortals are like fish swimming in a globe of glass. That globe is your world. You do not see beyond it.

If you should rear a duck in the heart of the Sahara, no doubt it would swim if you brought it to the Nile.

I can't really do the running on hard ground that I used to do. Instead I go swimming as often as possible.

I love to exercise outside in the fresh air and sun: hiking, swimming, stand-up paddleboarding, and jogging.

Being a Jew is like walking in the wind or swimming: you are touched at all points and conscious everywhere.

I was very, very lucky because I started swimming when most of the landmarks in the world had not been swum.

Many people cycle or swim to keep trim. But if swimming is so good for the figure, how do you explain whales?

... "You may not see the ocean, but right now we are in the middle of the ocean, and we have to keep swimming.

I always read. You know how sharks have to keep swimming or they die? I’m like that. If I stop reading, I die.

Marijuana has killed far fewer people than swimming pools; it’s the war against it that does all the violence.

I think for most people it's hard to understand what it is about swimming - I mean it's such a solo endeavour.

When the tide goes out, you get to see who's swimming naked. PIMCO has had its bathing suit on for a long time

Swimming and all other sports have got to get to that place where you have the trust of the people watching it.

You’re falling now. You’re swimming. This is not           harmless. You are not                     breathing.

I love the beach; I grew up on the Baltic Sea. I love the beach. I love the water. I love surfing and swimming.

I think for most people it's hard to understand what it is about swimming - I mean, it's such a solo endeavour.

I was always hugely into sport before I started boxing. I played rugby, football, cricket, athletics, swimming.

There are a lot of young swimming fans that are on Instagram, so I try to respond or post things that they like.

Back in those days it was just me swimming around in the dark, doing back flips and taking naps whenever I want.

I always felt that if I made a movie, it would be one movie; I didn't see how they could make 26 swimming movies.

I think I'm a bit like a kind of shark, that if I stop swimming, I won't be able to breathe, something like that.

I like to go for a walk or swimming or in the garden when I can. It's a busy kind of life, but I guess I'm lucky.

With swimming, I burn a lot of calories. I'm able to eat pretty much anything and it won't affect me. But I don't.

I've gradually gained more confidence swimming for distance in the open sea, but I still return to the rock pools.

There's so much more to me than swimming. I like to go and have fun, like to go dancing, hang out with my friends.

Yes, my parents are strict about me having a childhood. I go ice skating and sledding, and swimming in the summer.

My fitness routine includes things that are not stressful on my body - swimming, yoga, stretching, and rebounding.

I told myself there was no way I was going to let this training go to waste. It was my time, and I was ready to go.

I want to continue the sport of swimming. I'm not going to give up until I think it's reached where I want it to go.

People were going to geometry class and I was swimming through vats of chili on 'Even Stevens.' It was like a dream!

I love sailing and water sports; whether it's water skiing, body boarding or surfing or simply swimming in the ocean.

All the time we wondered and wondered, who is this person coming/growing/turning/floating/swimming deep, deep inside.

I love figure skating, so I do that as often as I can. Other than that I just go to the gym or swim. I love swimming.

It really was my brother who got me involved in swimming. I wanted to be just like him and do everything he was doing.

I have a fear of water, believe it or not. To put a wire 12 feet over a swimming pool frightens me. I don't like water.

People are often a bit more adventurous with swimming costume prints; they like the idea of something a bit more jolly.

I've got a swimming pool and I pretend to be like a mermaid, like in the middle of the night. It kind of de-stresses me.

I did everything - swimming, dancing, and badminton as well as tennis. It was always tennis that I really loved, though.

People ask me 'what was going through your mind in the race?' and I don't know. I try and ...let my body do what it knows

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