Swimming for his life, a man does not see much of the country through which the river winds.

'Swimming Pool' was a very important moment for me because the character was written for me.

This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see how deep it is.

I like swimming or go to the gym, but I am alone a lot, and that can get a little depressing.

I'm a member at Equinox because I love the classes. I also enjoy hiking, swimming, and skiing.

I tried the swimming team, but nobody came to the matches. But they did show up for the plays.

I'm trying to do the best I can. I'm not concerned with tomorrow, but with what goes on today.

Swimming took up so much of my faculties, and for so long, I was willing to give it everything.

The first time I ever saw him play, Tre Cool was wearing a tutu and an old-womans swimming cap.

Massages and swimming are feel-good activities which are both mentally and physically relaxing.

You better start swimming, or you'll sink like a stone. Because the Time's they are a-changing.

My whole swimming career was about training to beat Michael Phelps in any race I possibly could.

The moon is swimming naked and the summer night is fragrant with a mighty expectation of relief.

I want to test my maximum and see how much I can do. And I want to change the world of swimming.

Safe is good for sidewalks and swimming pools, but life requires risk if we are to get anywhere.

Oh, no doubt the cod is a splendid swimmer - admirable for swimming purposes but not for eating.

What a culture we live in, we are swimming in an ocean of information, and drowning in ignorance.

I play sports - like, I play a little bit of tennis, swimming, like a normal kid. I watch movies.

Until I was twelve years old, I led this wandering life, fishing, swimming, and making moccasins.

Nobel Prize money is a life-belt thrown to a swimmer who has already reached the shore in safety.

If you want to get lost in the jungle rhythm, get down on the ground and pretend you're swimming.

Swimming is normal for me. I'm relaxed. I'm comfortable, and I know my surroundings. It's my home.

I learnt tennis, swimming, basketball and several others, but the sport I loved the most was golf.

I have fond memories of my kabaddi exploits at Lawrence School. I also enjoyed tennis and swimming.

I treat every race the same. We all wanted to swim fast today and give something back to the crowd.

I knew where I wanted to go, what kind of player I wanted to become and I focused on getting there.

It has nothing to do with swimming. That happens to be my sport. I'm trying to see how far I can go

I wanted to do something nobody ever did. This goes hand in hand with my goal of changing swimming.

I probably have a different mental approach to swimming than most people. I actually enjoy training.

It has nothing to do with swimming. That happens to be my sport. I'm trying to see how far I can go.

Handball, swimming, running, jumping, basketball, and boxing were as much a part of me as breathing.

When I was a child, our summer days were spent swimming; chlorine in my hair was like perfume to me.

Rich people (in Australia) have swimming pools in their gardens but, at least, they do swim in them.

Throughout my whole swimming career, I've never been disqualified once. I've never been warned once.

I've got loads of ideas swimming round, and I've even organised them in a nice folder on me computer.

I've never been swimming, and that's because it's never been more than half an hour since I last ate.

I just came in this morning with one goal; to make it back tonight, so I'm very excited for the final.

My kids think America is swimming pools on the roof, screening rooms, and hot dogs. They love it here.

Well first of all, I'd just like to say that 2005 was a great year, if you like swimming through crap.

I walked away from the sport for 17 years, then started swimming again recently in a master's program.

Try to catch a trout and experience the glorious feeling of letting it go and seeing it swimming away.

I'm an actor, not a star. Stars are people who live in Hollywood and have heart-shaped swimming pools.

You ain't supposed to get salmon when they're swimming upstream to spawn. But if you're hungry, you do.

Swimming keeps me fit and flexible, and it helps that I have a large pool at my house in Beverly Hills.

Back in my mind, I never, ever wanted to give up swimming; it was something that I would carry on with.

Though I do not know much swimming, I am glad that both my children are getting better at it day by day.

For previous generations, swimming the English Channel was the feat to accomplish. And that's been done.

I cannot lie on the beach or by a swimming pool. I think I'm too Nordic to like a lot of relentless sun.

I concentrate on preparing to swim my race and let the other swimmers think about me, not me about them.

It's like swimming, underwater, this whole year. I just close my eyes. hold my breath, and keep kicking.

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