I definitely want to work with Kanye, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande - all the big people.

We don't want to be part of some Tidal 'streaming revolution,' nor do we want to be Taylor Swift and be anti-it.

Markets may in the short-term correct. But in a bull market the correction is always sharp, swift and short-lived.

My pregame music includes a nice little mixture. Probably a little Counting Crows, maybe some Avicii. Taylor Swift.

Britain's way of dealing with disability is just to try and pretend it's not happening. A swift sweep under the carpet.

I think Taylor Swift, in the days when she was kind of doing more country style, definitely was a big inspiration for me.

I'm proud of my Korean heritage, but I want people to know I'm American. It's not important to be the Korean Taylor Swift.

You know what, I am not gonna lie, that Taylor Swift 'Trouble' song? I can't resist that song. Her melodies are very catchy.

Taylor Swift - I can't say enough good things about her. I admire her so much as a person and as a role model for young women.

When you open up 'Instagram,' you need to know that you're seeing the real Tony Hawk, the real Taylor Swift, the real Burberry.

I love all different kinds of music, but my favorites on my iPod are Bruno Mars, Rascal Flats, Taylor Swift just to name a few.

Superman's original name was Kal-El, or Swift God. His father's name was Jor-El. Superman was clearly drawn as a modern-day god.

Every musician writes about past relationships. And other than that, I can promise you, I have very little in common with Taylor Swift.

I do pop, so pop is very broad. It could be anything from the Weeknd to Taylor Swift to Beyonce to whatever is on the radio, basically.

The reporter is the daily prisoner of clocked facts. On all working days, he is expected to do his best in one swift swipe at each story.

It is not what we learn in conversation that enriches us. It is the elation that comes of swift contact with tingling currents of thought.

I used to have terrible tantrums. I was temperamental when I was younger. Actually, what I needed was a swift kick in the pants. What a brat!

Trade means jobs, but trade also means security. The time has come for all of us to urge the swift adoption of the Trans Pacific Partnership.

I'm very into Taylor Swift. From her music to her wardrobe, she is absolutely killing it. Also, she has adorable cats that I would love to pet.

Be kind to each other. You never know who's going to become the CEO of what. You never know who is going to become Taylor Swift. You never know.

It might be interesting to people to say that I would do something with Taylor Swift, but the reality is, it's so not on my list of things to do.

Old age realizes the dreams of youth: look at Dean Swift; in his youth he built an asylum for the insane, in his old age he was himself an inmate.

Let's take Taylor Swift. She lives in a huge beautiful apartment; she gets limo-ed everywhere. She's not seeing what it means to live in New York.

The beast for me is greed. Whether you read Dante, Swift, or any of these guys, it always boils down to the same thing: the corruption of the soul.

All I know is don't ever get into a feud with Taylor Swift. She has, like, 50 million people that will die for her. You can't step into that arena.

People were like, 'he's collaborating with Taylor Swift' and I was like, 'I am?' I think she's wonderful. Her songwriting has inspired me for years.

There are consequences for just expressing generally conservative views. And if those views take on the more extreme dint, the judgment can be swift.

I guess I talk about her because I'm interested; I'm listening. Taylor Swift's words are so valuable to so many young people, not just her #GirlSquad.

But I love to write music. What I would love to do is give some of the songs I write to someone like Taylor Swift because I feel like she could sing them.

I want to add 'record mogul' to my list of accomplishments and make a disgusting amount of money so I can buy a house between Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus.

Grace Kelly is my main inspiration, for her timeless beauty. I like Jennifer Lawrence for her fun, down-to-earth style, and Taylor Swift is always elegant.

Mike Judge is my Jonathan Swift, and I say that because I don't know any other satirists. But the problem with satire is that it's so easily misinterpreted.

I would love to work with Karlie Kloss and model for Chanel. And I would love to be in a music video with Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift, my two favorite artists.

I'm listening to a lot of Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Rihanna. A lot of pop female artists. I have to say I'm pretty well-versed in the pop female category.

I have huge admiration for Taylor Swift. She's tall, talented, young, thin, and beautiful. More importantly, she seems focused, generous, vulnerable, and kind.

I have always liked Taylor Swift - there is just something about her that is very genuine and sweet. She also has naturally curly hair like me, so that's cool.

People say Taylor Swift's not feminist enough or Beyonce's not feminist enough, but there are 12-year-old girls going to their shows and taking an awesome message.

Just look at the transformation Taylor Swift made from being pop country to pop pop. There are very specific things she cut out and very specific things she adopted.

The Exxon Valdez spill triggered a swift and strong response that changed policies about shipping, about double-hulled construction. A number of laws came into place.

The second we were done on 'The Sing-Off,' we were like, 'All right, now we're competing with Rihanna and Taylor Swift.' We've always set the bar high. We want a hit.

Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.

I share my name with an aerobatic bird that can whiz across a whole summer sky in seconds. A swift is so equipped for speed that it can scarcely cope with being stationary.

The most brilliant satire of all time was 'A Modest Proposal' by Jonathan Swift. You'll notice how everything got straightened out in Ireland within days of that coming out.

Sometimes the transition from being in control of your life to having absolutely no control is swift, but other times it is so gradual that you wonder exactly when it truly began.

I'm friends with Taylor Swift, and I am tired of people asking me questions about our friendship. When I post a picture of us on Instagram, I'm posting a picture of me and my friend.

I was at Home Depot with my dad looking for paint when I got the call to open for Taylor Swift. That was wild, because I was crying in Home Depot, and people were looking at me funny.

Honestly, I don't really hear the comparisons to Taylor Swift anymore. I think it's because people are finally starting to see me for who I am and my craft and not being the next Taylor.

Wherefore the race being not to the swift, etc. but time and chance happening to all men, I leave the Judgement of the whole to the Candid, of whose correction I shall never be impatient.

Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, Thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought is great and swift and free.

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