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All a woman needs to be chic is a raincoat, two suits, a pair of trousers and a cashmere sweater
If people don't want to listen to you, what makes you think they want to hear from your sweater?
No, I'm happy doing this. Five sweaters and a pair of dirty pants, you can make pretty good money.
I like wearing my dads sweaters because I knew that he wore them when he held me when I was a baby.
I like wearing my dad's sweaters because I knew that he wore them when he held me when I was a baby.
People often put me in a V-neck tennis club sweater, driving a Bentley, but my life wasn't like that.
All my bloody pants look the same; all my sweaters look the same. The shirts change; they're all blue.
Having a holiday weekend without a family member felt like putting on a sweater that had an extra arm.
Sweaters are a closet staple. They look great under a leather vest or with a pair of tailored trousers.
I'm not the kind of woman who would love to make soup or knit sweaters. I never cherished that so much.
We all enjoy being comfy, but my comfy - you know, I love a nice, cozy cashmere sweater and spandex, sure.
I have my own sheep and I literally sheer the sheep and knot sweaters for friends and family from scratch.
It only cost Mitt Romney $76.6 million to defeat a serial adulterer and a mental patient in a sweater vest.
I really focus on my jeans and sweaters for them to fit really well. There was a time that wasn't the case.
If you don't feel comfortable in a plunging sweater, skin-tight jeans and killer heels, go home and change.
You're wearing at least four different kinds of sweater." "This is a scarf." "You look tarred and sweatered.
Clothing should be like food. There should never be a $5000 sweater. You know what should cost $5000? A car.
I love DKNY. I love her sweaters because I can take them and just wear nothing underneath and just wrap them.
Doing jersey advertising for the World Cup is not in the same universe as putting advertising on NHL sweaters.
To be beautiful, woman enough to have a black sweater, black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves.
When I'm at home or at school, I'm casual and comfortable. I tend to wear work out clothes and lots of sweaters.
Becky Renee Apple - can you believe her mom named her that and then had all of her sweaters monogramed with 'BRA'?
I actually don't shop very much. I have a tendency to rotate a few pairs of ripped jeans and an old cashmere sweater.
I love shorts in the colder climates, because you can wear them with chunky sweaters and jackets. It's cute and funky.
I have a strong appreciation for oversize sweatshirts, loose mohair sweaters, and jeans that are frayed at the ankles.
I have this red cardigan that my friend Coco gave me that has holes for thumbs. It's my cozy sweater. I wear it a lot.
I wrote 'The Blue Sweater' to inspire more people to become engaged in working to solve the problems of global poverty.
If these rich women from 5th Avenue spend a fortune on cashmere sweaters, they will come to my store to buy gummy bears.
I've decided I'm no longer pulling sweaters over my head. Maybe that's sort of an old man thing, but if it is, I'm there.
Some friends of mine got me a sweater for my birthday. I'd have preferred a moaner or a screamer, but the sweater was OK.
When I got to Grinnell College, I was part of the black turtleneck sweater and Camel cigarette crowd of poets and writers.
I have a passion for sweaters. Besides jeans, they are the clothes I have the most of in my closet. I must have a hundred!
I believe in dressing for the occasion. There's a time for sweater, sneakers and Levis and a time for the full-dress jazz.
Apart from anything else, I find boots are too hot except in wintry weather. At home I usually wear a sweater, shirt and slacks.
She wore a short skirt and a tight sweater and her figure described a set of parabolas that could cause cardiac arrest in a yak.
Dean: If there is a greater power, why is it he can't get you a new sweater? Jamie: Because, he's too busy looking for your brain.
I have always loved sneakers and sweaters, and I wear a lot of them. And a good t-shirt or a pair of jeans can make you feel so good.
I will wear the same thing for three years straight unless somebody, like, forces me not to. It's like, hey, I got this Gucci sweater.
I need to finish this scarf/shawl/blanket thing so I can start something for Emma- a hat, maybe, or a sweater for her stuffed elephant.
We want to do sweaters for dogs and call it 'Bark Jacobs.' If it works, great. If it doesn't, we'll drop it and do something different.
And when I'm on the microphone you best to wear your sweater, Cause I'm cooler than a polar bear's toenails, Oh hell, there he go again.
Wherever I go, I see kids playing football. Even if there is no grass and it's just sweaters for goals, you see how people love football.
I was so flat I used to put Xs on my chest and write, 'You are here.' I wore angora sweaters just so the guys would have something to pet.
I love all the holidays and getting to see my family a lot during the fall. I also love the weather and getting to wear sweaters and jackets.
The quantum is that embarrassing little piece of thread that always hangs from the sweater of space-time. Pull it and the whole thing unravels.
I used to buy everything at garage sales. It was hard to give up! I’d be like, ‘But this crazy sweater is amazing, and it only cost 25 cents!’
A lifevest protects you from drowning and a bulletproof vest protects you from getting shot, and a sweater vest protects you from pretty girls.
How Superheroes Make Money: - Spider-Man knits sweaters. - Superman screw the lids on pickle jars. - Iron Man, as you would suspect, just irons.
With too much wash and wear, sweaters get fuzzy or start to pill. Having a fabric shaver is a game changer. It makes my sweaters look brand-new.
Desperate Housewives' was a good experience, though, as I got to play the bad guy for once. My only complaint was they had me in a lot of sweaters.