The film industry is actually a tough place to survive.

The World Bank can only survive if it's spending money.

The environment I was raised in, you had to, to survive.

I think newspapers will survive in some form or another.

You have to be kind to yourself to survive in the world.

To survive, men and business and corporations must serve.

Talent was not rare; the ability to survive having it was.

My mother had lots and lots of children who didn't survive.

To survive in the NFC West, we have to win in the trenches.

It takes a very deep-rooted opinion to survive unexpressed.

We do survive every moment, after all, except the last one.

Same with souls. They can't survive without a body for long.

We don't need fashion to survive, we just desire it so much.

Few friendships could survive the moodiness of love affairs.

The idealists will always be in society, and we will survive.

I've survived inattention. I hope to God I survive attention.

Communism can't survive the captivating allure of capitalism.

Baseball must be a great game to survive the fools who run it.

I might survive a few days at sea. Probably not as long as Pi.

I think the NBA will certainly survive without Michael Jordan.

You have to wake up and you have to run if you want to survive.

Opinions cannot survive if one has no chance to fight for them.

You can survive with anger, but you can't live with it forever.

I will never create a romantic angle to survive on a game show.

I learned to deal with the police... to be tough... to survive.

A free, analytical and questioning press must be helped survive.

I've learned that to survive, you need a positive state of mind.

For the most part, everybody who fights in war fights to survive.

You know, if I can survive marching band, I can survive anything.

Even if they don't know it, everyone has the instinct to survive.

To survive, the GOP needs to invite people in, not shut them out.

Hope for the best, survive the worst, find humor wherever you can.

Ideas percolate. Through natural selection, the best ones survive.

Good people never survive on 'Game of Thrones.' That's the problem.

We need happy, productive citizens on our planet for us to survive.

Collectivism and freedom are mortal enemies. Only one will survive.

If we survive danger it steels our courage more than anything else.

Without comedy as a defense mechanism I wouldn't be able to survive.

I was looking for a husband, but meanwhile to survive, I had to work.

Democracy cannot survive without the guidance of a creative minority.

Being at a very high quality level was the only way for us to survive.

Things go up and down. If you can survive the down, it will come back.

We need to direct our efforts toward one goal, and that is to survive.

A relationship isn't going to make me survive. It's the cherry on top.

My goal isn't to make money, it's to try and survive and make a point.

Men need marriage more than women do. In fact, they need it to survive.

Just like an animal, when you want to survive, you don't think anymore.

Strong organizations with strong risk controls will survive and prosper.

It's the way of life in Saginaw. If you're not tough, you don't survive.

With three kids you are just trying to survive. You can't be fastidious.

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