If somebody writes a book and doesn't care for the survival of that book, he's an imbecile.

I am a thief of knowledge, and in a survival way, I had to solve all the problems around me.

Grow internally first. Strengthen your bottom line first before considering external growth.

The color of your skin is your uniform in this ultimate battle for the survival of the West.

Spending practically every minute of your day on pure survival is an absolutely boring life.

Cultivating and conserving diversity is no luxury in our times: it is a survival imperative.

The most important factor in survival is neither intelligence nor strength but adaptability.

Creativity to me is the life force that is in us. It’s an animalistic instinct for survival.

People are all vulnerable in so many different ways. We go into survival mode a lot of times.

Focus on your business strengths and keep its weaknesses away from the competition or public.

Connections with other people affect not only the quality of our lives but also our survival.

The key to the survival of liberty in the modern world is the embrace of multiple identities.

The more you know, the less you have to carry. The less you know, the more you have to carry.

Making my family laugh when I was little - it became an addiction. It was a kind of survival.

Nanotechnology in medicine is going to have a major impact on the survival of the human race.

Lying is not only a defense mechanism; it's also a coping mechanism and a survival technique.

Humanity will ever seek but never attain perfection. Let us at least survive and go on trying.

In the fast zombie stories, it's not our humanity that is at stake anymore. It's our survival.

What chance of survival does a culture have when its own elites actively seek its destruction?

Doesn't the fight for survival also justify swindle and theft? In self defence, anything goes.

My family doesn't understand trying to chase your dreams because they were all about survival.

I'm very confident that if I get close to one of these pigs, i could put the smack down on it.

Double - no, triple - our troubles and we'd still be better off than any other people on earth.

It turns out our brain is sensitive, maybe too sensitive, to motion. It's a survival mechanism.

Survival is not so much about the body, but rather it is about the triumph of the human spirit.

The essence of all religion is to be willing to risk your life for a belief - not for survival.

Much has changed since the end of the Cold War that augurs well for the survival of our nation.

Keeping an active mind has been vital to my survival, as has been maintaining a sense of humor.

It should be lifted above partisanship because it's a question of survival. It's a moral issue.

She endured. And survived. Marginally, perhaps, but it is not required of us that we live well.

At the top of my list for terrain that I hate navigating through, it is definitely the mangrove.

Companies have never won. You're always either fighting for survival, or fighting for relevance.

Nothing goes further toward a man's liberation than the act of surviving his need for character.

And when reality denies you the tools you need for survival you grab them from wherever you can.

Being a parent is about your survival. Surviving the terrible two's is the most important thing.

You have to be self-reliant and strong to survive in this town. Otherwise you will be destroyed.

Knowledge of the oceans is more than a matter of curiosity. Our very survival may hinge upon it.

I've learned survival secrets from being on camera, and then translated them into everyday life.

If you ever heard that old saying, where there's smoke there's fire; well that's a load of bull.

As long as nuclear weapons exist, the chances of survival of the human species are quite slight.

If you don't have your game-face on, you're going to go home either to a hospital or to a casket.

There is no test of literary merit except survival, which is itself an index to majority opinion.

Morality is a luxury we can't afford out here. There's no right or wrong, just survival or death.

If we do not speak for Earth, who will? If we are not committed to our own survival, who will be?

The pressure of survival in the big city will make you lose sight of your dream... Hang in there.

Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace.

I invented 'Christine' as a survival technique to deal with many things. I felt it would save me.

A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.

A humankind abandoned in its earlier formative stage becomes its own greatest threat to survival.

I have one instinct stronger than any other thing in life, and that is the instinct for survival.

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