I think God surrounds us, in all different manifestations of the energy.

What surrounds us we endure better for giving it a name - and moving on.

An old thing becomes new if you detach it from what usually surrounds it.

The environment, what surrounds you, is so alive and delightful and complex.

Beauty surrounds us, but usually we need to be walking in a garden to know it.

Love... it surrounds every being and extends slowly to embrace all that shall be.

I adore John Mayer. I don't see how anything that surrounds John could be negative.

I've always felt that music should be a normal part of the experience that surrounds people.

I think it's inevitable that aviation is a part of the economic growth that surrounds airports.

Poetry surrounds us everywhere, but putting it on paper is, alas, not so easy as looking at it.

Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us.

Since the beginning, Native Peoples lived a life of being in harmony with all that surrounds us.

I'm really interested in harvesting surplus energy, energy that surrounds but we never really use.

I am very interested in the Universe - I am specialising in the Universe and all that surrounds it.

The cloud of doubt that surrounds political figures tends to remain and never dissipate or be clarified.

We are all so busy and so frantic that we don't take the time to appreciate the stuff that surrounds us.

Space, and space again, is the infinite deity which surrounds us and in which we are ourselves contained.

Liberal idiocy surrounds us all. It threatens to destroy the values and lifestyles that millions of us cherish.

I miss everything that surrounds the club. I miss my colleagues, my friends and everyone who cares for Barcelona.

I got nothing against Barack Obama; I just might not like some of his policies and the people he surrounds himself with.

Fighters never realise when it is time to walk away. They can't leave the buzz and adoration that surrounds being champion.

I like a good mono track, it's right up front. I don't need all the surrounds telling me there are birds in the neighbourhood.

Too much good fortune can make you smug and unaware. Happiness should be like an oasis, the greener for the desert that surrounds it.

I love English football because it's real football. I love everything that surrounds it. The public, the atmosphere, the preparation.

The tradition of Umuganda is a beautiful and inspiring one. It connects people to their surrounds and creates a responsible community.

We need to do more to raise awareness of perinatal mental health illness and address the stigma that still surrounds it in our society.

I feel anxious for my children because tomorrow, if a mob surrounds them and asks, 'Are you a Hindu or a Muslim?' they will have no answer.

Hope is a feeling that life and work have meaning. You either have it or you don't, regardless of the state of the world that surrounds you.

The history of racial violence in our country is both omnipresent and unspoken. It is a smog that surrounds us that few will admit is there.

What I'm trying to do is to get a glimpse into the secret state that surrounds us all the time but that we have not trained ourselves to see very well.

I certainly don't follow fashion. I think fashion, as far as the industry and the whole world that surrounds it, is quite vile, and I'm repelled by it.

The Fashion Fund celebrates the real passion that underlies the fashion business, not the frothy world of glamour and celebrity that so often surrounds it.

It is well to look around at whom, and not just what, surrounds us. Population structure will change everything. Our health, wealth, and peace depend on it.

I guess I was always in awe at the amount of energy that surrounds Washington, D.C. My experience in coming up before was that it was a very, very busy place.

I wish I could never spend another second talking about cancer and all it does to everyone it surrounds, but unfortunately, that cannot be because of my life.

Poetry has been to me its own exceeding great reward; it has given me the habit of wishing to discover the good and beautiful in all that meets and surrounds me.

The ocean is 20 minutes away. Nature surrounds me 24/7. I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping. I also love that I can go out to dinner in jeans and flip-flops.

I live in the rural area of North Georgia, so for me, those are these best days. It has little to do with humans and mostly to do with nature and what surrounds me.

Because the job is still really exciting, and I still get nervous on the first day of shooting. But all the nonsense that surrounds it - that can be on your own terms.

For most people, we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the magnificence of a full moon, but it is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the universe that surrounds us.

A wise man has to always listen to the peers he surrounds around himself. That's why you surround yourself with other smart people. Captain Kirk keep Mr. Spock right beside him.

Hmm, the best thing about being in the NFL? In America it's the No.1 sport; it's exciting, fun, so to me the best thing is the buzz that surrounds football on and off the field.

A lot of mythology surrounds British inventor Geoffrey Pyke. He supposedly made people come to his bedside to see his designs because getting up and getting dressed took too long.

I think an artist's true worth comes through an inter-generational thing - when you go beyond your own time, and start influencing people in a greater way than just what surrounds you.

But there is a discomfort that surrounds grief. It makes even the most well-intentioned people unsure of what to say. And so many of the freshly bereaved end up feeling even more alone.

'Tristan' is a very unique case, not just in Wagner's output, but in music in general. It remains contemporary no matter what else surrounds it. There is something self-renewing about it.

We all live in this little bubble that we just expect to live forever and I think those of us that have been with people battling cancer, you realise, actually, this surrounds us everywhere we go.

In our heart, in the heart of each of you, let there be always the joyous certainty that the Lord is near, that he does not abandon us, that he is near to us, and that he surrounds us with his love.

The problems of reporting a bully - or, if you are a bully, of becoming less of one - become much more intractable, because your reputation surrounds you, and behavioral patterns are harder to escape.

Clairvoyants can see flashes of colour, constantly changing, in the aura that surrounds every person: each thought, each feeling, thus translating itself in the astral world, visible to the astral sight.

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