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Нaving such a huge fan base, it's hard to see that and be motivated when you have so many people who support you and want to see you perform.
You want attention, you want support, you want to be treated properly, and I don't wanna have to go anywhere and teach people how to treat me.
I want to prove that you don't have to come from Oxford University or Rada - and you don't have to have parents that support you - to succeed.
I am proud and honored to be part of the America Supports You Freedom Walk to honor the victims of 9/11 and to support our men and women in uniform.
It can be really frightening for young people to see their parents fighting. Remember, you're not alone and there are people out there who can support you.
Stay with friends who support you in these. Talk with them about sacred texts, and how you are doing, and how they are doing, and keep your practices together.
Lead the ideas of your time and they will accompany and support you; fall behind them and they drag you along with them; oppose them and they will overwhelm you.
Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you'll have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either of them might run out.
You can rest assured that if you devote your time and attention to the highest advantage of others, the Universe will support you, always and only in the nick of time.
If you are not thinking for yourself, someone else is thinking for you. Choose for yourself and become free from society's undertow. The Universe is ready to support you.
Sometimes some of the toughest things you deal with end up being the best things because you realize the people that you can rely on, that love you and support you through it.
As soon as you get a certain amount of attention, then everybody kinda wants to start taking pot shots at you. All your old friends that supported you don't support you any more.
Mary Allen has compiled a wealth of tools and resources - both inner and outer - to support you in consciously directing your untapped potential and creating a life that you love.
If you have a dream, only share it with those that are going to support you. Walk toward it on a daily basis and don't let anyone's doubting or negativity throw you off your path.
It is important to have someone that supports you and encourage you, someone that makes you feel that you are unstoppable, that you can do anything in the world because you have him.
As you begin to understand the immense power and love you hold inside, you will find an unending surge of joy, light and love that will nourish and support you all the days of your life.
If you have to hire paid actors to impersonate people who politically support you, people don't actually natively politically support you. You are not a political animal that exists in nature.
If perchance you should falter during the journey, a hand would be there to support you. If that should be wanting, God, who alone could take that hand from you, would Himself accomplish its work.
It's just that you don't have to bring it to every stage. You can do a fundraiser for people that you support. You don't necessarily have to talk about one thing or another when you're on your own.
Grammar is to a writer what anatomy is to a sculptor, or the scales to a musician. You may loathe it, it may bore you, but nothing will replace it, and once mastered it will support you like a rock.
Sometimes it can be bad to have too much family. Everybody gets involved in your problems, giving their opinion, gossiping, and making drama. But when bad things happen, they will be there to support you.
The hardest thing is to forgive, but God does, even if you murdered or robbed, ya it's wrong, but God loves, take one step toward him he'll take two toward you, even when all else fails, God'll support you
I hate to say this, but one of the biggest distractions can be friends and family. You want them to be there and support you, but when you need to get your rest or focus, you need to communicate that to them.
Look, you can date whoever you want and I will totally support you. I am all about support. Support is my middle name.” “So that’s why you never told me your middle name. I figured it was something embarrassing.
I know how it is to grind, I know how it is to get up at 4 in the morning and do things, I know how it is for a label not to support you, I know how it is to be put on a shelf at a label but still keep my career alive.
Lean toward love at all times, cut people slack, forgive and forget, and be kind, very kind; the more you do that, the less fear you will have. People will raise up to support you. Refuse to be scared in this lifetime.
You have a personal legend to fulfil, period. It is of no matter if others support you, or criticise you, ignore or tolerate you. You are doing that because that is your destiny on this earth, and the source of any joy.
If you have people that totally support you and have your back, I feel like you have all the confidence in the world, and you believe that you can do things that most people can't achieve. I feel that's really important.
I sort of feel like it comes around again. That when you get to a certain age, when you've lived enough and you've got your friends to support you and your family to support you, you wake up one morning and think, yeah, I'm okay.
I think a fan is a fan and when they support you and when they love you and when they embrace you and what you bring to the table, as long as you bring something that's quality to the table they're going to show up and support it.
I learned very quickly that when you emigrate, you lose the crutches that have been your support; you must begin from zero, because the past is erased with a single stroke and no one cares where you’re from or what you did before.
If you give up on your principles I don’t think that’s being pragmatic... Doing the wrong thing, even partially, isn’t being practical...if you have the right ideas and are forceful enough...I think you can get the support you need.
Have a sense of piety ever on your mind, and be ever mindful that this is subject to no change, but will last you as long as life and support you in death. Elevate your soul by prayer and by contemplation without mystical enthusiasm.
My advice for other female directors is look for people who really appreciate your vision and are willing to genuinely support you. When it comes time to taking notes on various cuts, if you have a smart producer, listen to her notes!
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself. Only this experience can give you an indestructible foundation.
Communicate with your fans or customers. They know we live in an ever changing world. If you tell them what you are thinking and why you are doing what you do, as I did with my blog regarding Nash leaving, they will respect and support you more.
The only way to truly be protected at all times is to claim your personal power with the highest code of ethics and responsibility. If you are centered in this type of power, the power of the universe supports you, and no one and nothing can defeat you.
Nothing's harder than writing. There's no comparison. With directing, you can bounce a lot of ideas around. There's tremendous support - you've got editors and sound mixers. With writing, it's all you, and it's just crippling when people tear up your pages.
Trust that the thing in life that excites you the most comes complete with all the tools necessary to support you in the doing of that thing. It is automatic; it is built in. All you need to do is act on the opportunities that doing that situation brings to you.
When you come from a big family, you see that, growing up, you're learning how to share. Your sisters have got your back; you're not alone in this - 'We all support you!' Your family provides that; it gives you a sense of safety, and it's a very grounding feeling.
My co-founder and great friend Glynnis MacNicol is only a chat box away and gives me the support (and tough love!) needed to remember who I am and what I'm worth. You can't be your own cheerleader all of the time. Be there to support your friends and let them support you.
If someone can learn from my experiences, grow from them and take it to the next level or to learn what not to do, that's almost a civil responsibility for your peers but also for those that follow you, support you and don't get a chance to come behind the curtain so to speak.
I've noticed that once you leave London you do kind of become a bit more famous. People in London are a bit too cool for school. It's not so unusual to see someone from London in the street. But outside of London people are a bit more excited to see you and come out and support you.
Unless you are addressing the issues people are concerned about and contributing positive direction, they'll never support you. The first thing the enemy tries to do is isolate revolutionaries from the masses of people, making us horrible and hideous monsters so that our people will hate us
Whatever inspires you is an aspect of yourself. Any desire of the heart exists to support you in discovering and manifesting it. If you have an aspiration to be something, it is because you have the potential to manifest the quality you are seeing and the behavior that this quality will bring forth.
The joy is actually in the music. It's the music that supports you and tells you what to do. It tells you how to fill the music. You don't have to be shy about feeling the music when you're singing. If you believe in music-the power of music-the music will support you and take you to another dimension.
If I know the way home and am walking along it drunkenly, is it any less the right way because I am staggering from side to side! If it is not the right way, then show me another way; but if I stagger and lose the way, you must help me, you must keep me on the true path, just as I am ready to support you.
Life has taught you many things, and the people close to you want you to have a good future, but it isn't their future in the end....its your choice you pick the path and lead the way. All your family will do is follow you while you are on that path and support you when you find the light at the end of your road.
Until you become completely obsessed with your mission, no one will take you seriously. Until the world understands that you're not going away-that you are 100 percent committed and have complete and utter conviction and will persist in pursuing your project-you will not get the attention you need and the support you want.
If I were to go the major route, again, attention would probably be the first and foremost. You want attention, you want support, you want to be treated properly, and I don't wanna have to go anywhere and teach people how to treat me. As far as money, acclaim and fame, those things are a plus - accolades - they're all great.