There is a supply for every demand.

The supply of government exceeds demand.

Supply always comes on the heels of demand.

Supply and demand regulate architectural form.

I worked at a school supply store as a cashier.

I love having an unlimited supply of cocoa butter.

Directors are never in short supply of girlfriends.

Enthusiasm could not supply the place of experience.

We are living in a new age of energy supply anxiety.

I am like any other man. All I do is supply a demand.

Usually supply chains operate quietly behind the scenes.

We've tried to get as much supply into California as we can.

A home is a home, and excess supply leads to prices falling.

Obama is under incredible pressure to supply arms to Ukraine.

Government can supply bread, but it can't mend a broken spirit.

We will support anything to stabilize the oil demand and supply.

There is a great supply of amateur undertakers in show business.

He who controls the money supply of a nation controls the nation.

We live in a world in which courage is in less supply than genius.

Outrage is something Donald Trump typically has in no short supply.

There's a harsh reality to situations where demand outstrips supply.

We use competitive markets to arrange for delivery of our food supply.

With global rules for global supply chains, we can end corporate greed.

Well, there are all kinds of gutters. Life will supply you with gutters.

Time is a resource whose supply is inversely proportional to its demand.

Supply yourself with a mental equivalent, and the thing must come to you.

Teach a parrot the terms 'supply and demand' and you've got an economist.

I supply the music for Vampires, which is a new series that's coming out.

As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand.

That's how I see myself, as a guy who can supply offense and help the team.

I strongly believe supply is the best way to address housing affordability.

The Internet doesn't change everything. It doesn't change supply and demand.

A safe, affordable and plentiful supply of food is a national security issue.

Europe has the potential to pioneer and supply a sustainable worldwide economy.

Supply and demand eventually rebalance. We've seen this again and again and again.

They call upon us to supply American boys to do the job that Asian boys should do.

Pop culture is not about depth. It's about marketing, supply and demand, consumerism.

I supply a presence. There are never any long dialogue scenes to establish a character.

The job of the press is to encourage debate, not to supply the public with information.

Loss of natural areas threatens our water supply, national security, farms, and health.

Islands are known to differ in the food supply available to ground finches, mainly seeds.

We should remember it wasn't so long ago that confidence in New York was in short supply.

I always keep a supply of stimulant handy in case I see a snake, which I also keep handy.

The female of the genus homo is economically dependent on the male. He is her food supply.

Prices have stayed up because people in control of supply decided they could keep them up.

Our nation's blood supply is safer than it's ever been, and it's getting safer as we speak.

I wrote songs with the guys from Air Supply for their record... So I was just writing songs.

The oil market is especially sensitive even to a hint of expansion or contraction in supply.

The first forty years of life give us the text; the next thirty supply the commentary on it.

Talent is in short supply everywhere. At Wipro, we are training nonengineers to be engineers.

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