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The 'Next Generation' and 'Voyager' are about even; I think 'Voyager' is mildly superior, although Picard is the quintessential captain.
Hope is a flatterer, but the most upright of all parasites; for she frequents the poor man's hut, as well as the palace of his superior.
It is the spirit of the age to believe that any fact, no matter how suspect, is superior to any imaginative exercise, no matter how true.
There are so many reasons why, for me, writing is superior to acting. One of them is anonymity. Writers can live relatively normal lives.
In order to provide for their independence, the Constitution made judges of the superior courts immune from removal except by impeachment.
The superior man acquaints himself with many sayings of antiquity and many deeds of the past, in order to strengthen his character thereby.
No one faith is necessarily superior to another. All explanations are valid and in some respects when it comes to the big mysteries of life.
The belief that 'animals' are superior or inferior to humans because they live in an eternal now is untrue, because no being lives in a now.
Inferiors revolt in order that they may be equal, and equals that they may be superior. Such is the state of mind which creates revolutions.
Certainly in North Korea, man is always superior to woman. Even the government treats women horribly. What is the slogan? Woman is a flower.
Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy, but in passing it over, he is superior; for it is a prince's part to pardon.
Incongruity, they say, is one of the main ingredients of humor. Maybe it's because everybody can feel superior to me. I honestly don't know.
Measures must always in a progressive society be held superior to men, who are after all imperfect instruments, working for their fulfilment.
Racist means thinking more highly of another, being superior to another. I don't feel better or superior - white, black, yellow, all the same.
There will always be those people who are just backward and ignorant. There will always be those people. They need somebody to feel superior to.
Every nation feels itself to be superior, but in America it's a jaunty feeling, and in some cases a rather ominous one among the super-patriots.
I've found that entrepreneurial success usually comes through great execution, simply by doing a superior job of doing the blocking and tackling.
There are items that have far superior quality when manufactured in space, but need to be returned to Earth to be purchased and used by customers.
Government has a legitimate function, but the private sector has one too, and it is superior. In other words, people are better than institutions.
Napoleon was probably the equal at least of Washington in intellect, his superior in education. Both of them were successful in serving the state.
I've been totally replaced by people who are superior. I was doing, like, 15 different things. It's very gratifying to watch your job done better.
The difference between me and other Superstars is that I am more intelligent, possess a superior streetwise viciousness and am motivated by money.
The superior man is distressed by the limitations of his ability; he is not distressed by the fact that men do not recognize the ability that he has.
The faults of a superior person are like the sun and moon. They have their faults, and everyone sees them; they change and everyone looks up to them.
If a superior give any order to one who is under him which is against that man's conscience, although he do not obey it yet he shall not be dismissed.
With the launch of Big Machine Premium Vodka, we are now offering a superior product that perfectly complements the music we take such great pride in.
There's an appeal to the American sense of exceptionalism, that we're morally superior, as way to not be self-critical. I think that's a bit dangerous.
Paradoxically, we have become so ethnocentric in our relativism that we feel it is only okay for others - not us - to think their religion is superior!
The euro has become a means by which superior German productivity is able to gain an absolutely unbeatable advantage over the whole eurozone territory.
What moves me is neither ethnocentric pride nor sectarian arrogance. I make no claim that Jewish culture is superior to other cultures. But it is mine.
Secretary of state is far superior to vice president, because it's involved in continuously solving problems and making policy and not being on standby.
If you look at any superior athlete, you will find a strong parental influence. Parents introduce their children to a sport, and then they support them.
But in view of the constitution, in the eye of the law, there is in this country no superior, dominant, ruling class of citizens. There is no caste here.
I don't think I've ever been an agnostic. I've always thought there's a superior power, that this is not the real world and that there's a world to come.
The overall experience Skype provided was superior to other folks because of the underlying architecture and the ability to provide a superior experience.
I'll tell you God's truth: I think that this script that Neil has written - 'Odd Couple Two,' I think, is superior to the original one - to the first one.
I grew up in an all-female family - two sisters and a mostly single mother - and we often bonded, in part, by disparaging men and feeling superior to them.
People desire power. I don't know why they want it so. It seems to me it implies a hugely superior intellect which separates them from most of the populace.
All my best friends are women except for one or two. I feel women are superior to men, and I love having them around. All that female energy is good for me.
There is no such thing as Russian fascism. You won't find a single Russian who considers Russians to be a superior race and who advocate expulsion of aliens.
The English, in their ignorance, still have the romantic notion that Scottish schools are superior to English ones; they are at least a generation out of date.
The wife's submission is not a matter of superior versus inferior; rather, it is self-imposed as a matter of obedience to the Lord and of love for her husband.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
As a preacher of the Gospel, our late venerable Bishop must have been heard, to form an adequate conception of his superior excellence and commanding eloquence.
I was a houseman, the lowest. I was just above - in the hierarchy of jobs, I was just above the Puerto Rican dishwashers - just above, so I felt superior to them.
It is conceded by all that man is the very highest type of all living creatures on the earth. His intelligence is far superior to that of any other earthly being.
When I was fired from my post as General of the Fighter Arm, I was to give proof that this jet was a superior fighter. And that's when we did it. I think we did it.
I wish I could walk into a room and feel superior and have my nose up at everybody, but I can't, because I know I'm just a huge nerd, and that wouldn't work for me.
She's equally as gracious as someone who shares experiences with you as she is as a superior. What's so graceful about her is that no matter what, she's just Oprah.
That's why I'm not on Twitter and don't have an iPhone. It's not because I'm superior to it: it's because I would be a slave to it, and I don't want that to happen.