I thought 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' was so interesting the way it was made and the texture of it.

Play is as necessary to the perfect development of a child as sunshine is to the perfect development of a plant.

What nothing earthly gives, or can destroy, The soul's calm sunshine, and the heart-felt joy, Is virtue's prize.

Compliment people wherever you go. Praise every single thing you see. Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet.

Love for me is innocence, honesty, compassion, trust, loyalty, a gentle summer breeze, sunshine, a great cuddle.

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.

I like rain and mist. I've never understood why people exclaim over bright skies and bushels of glaring sunshine.

Let us open up our natures, throw wide the doors of our hearts and let in the sunshine of good will and kindness.

I always knew that someday I would once again feel the grass under my feet and walk in the sunshine as a free man.

There are things around, and I know where they can be got quite easily, but I quite like waking up to the sunshine.

I just try to fight for the underdog, and try to fight for those who are locked out of the sunshine of opportunity.

Qawaali is the art, that's in my soul. It's the ground. Everything else is a passing season - wind, rain, sunshine.

The sunshine is a glorious birth; But yet I know, where'er I go, That there hath passed away a glory from the earth.

I think if you're not strong, in life or in football, not every day is going to be going up and seeing the sunshine.

When your mind is besieged by some inauspicious thoughts, you can bring the sunshine into your life by staying calm!

There will be plenty of blame to go around but if you take credit for the sunshine, you also get blamed for the rain.

Everybody goes and sees 'Fantastic Four,' but nobody sees 'Sunshine.' I'd have a different career if people saw that.

I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. Along with sunshine, there's got to be a little rain sometime.

People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.

I've found that there is always some beauty left -- in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.

I enjoyed L.A. because it was nice to be in the sunshine and live in a house with proper wardrobes. I loved the space.

There is no global warming problem, there isn't going to be a global warming problem. Sit back and enjoy the sunshine.

There is no global warming problem, there isn't going to be a global warming problem. Sit back and enjoy the sunshine.

I know I live in the shadow of the greatest drummer in the world, so it's nice to have a bit of sunshine now and again.

The emigrant's way o'er the western desert is mark'd by Camp-fires long consum'd and bones that bleach in the sunshine.

Wherever we are we have the capacity to enjoy the sunshine, the presence of each other and the wonder of our breathing.

The harvest of the Lord’s field is seldom ripened by sunshine only. It must go through its days of wind, rain and storm.

But when he has done this, let him not say that he knows better than his master, for he only holds a candle in sunshine.

Anyone's life truly lived consists of work, sunshine, exercise, soap, plenty of fresh air, and a happy contented spirit.

Gay hope is theirs by fancy fed, Less pleasing when possest; The tear forgot as soon as shed, The sunshine of the breast.

Franny was staring at the little blotch of sunshine with a special intensity, as if she were considering lying down in it.

Tis not my talent to conceal my thoughts, Or carry smiles and sunshine in my face, When discontent sits heavy at my heart.

On the outskirts of the desert in Yemen, there was a cafe with a jukebox that had 'Sunshine Superman' on it. I loved that.

When you are happy, you feel the sunshine even inside the fog; when you are unhappy, you feel the fog even in the sunshine.

The sunshine that strikes American roads each year contains more energy than all the fossil fuels used by the entire world.

What are you doing son, you're gonna drive yourself insane. You'll never find the sunshine, when you're following the rain.

Death is the chillness that precedes the dawn; We shudder for a moment, then awake In the broad sunshine of the other life.

She’s best friends with my wife. (Julian) Gracie? You’re married to Gracie? That was you? You’re Mr. Hot Bottom! (Sunshine)

Without haste! without rest! Bind the motto to thy breast! Bear it with thee as a spell; Storm or sunshine , guard it well.

I've got life, I've got love, I've got faith & that's enough. We feel sorrow we feel pain, but there's sunshine after rain.

If the Lord should once more give us sunshine and I do not give you enough fighting, I will never ask you to come out again.

It shone on everyone, whether they had a contract or not. The most democratic thing I'd ever seen, that California sunshine.

Thine to work as well as pray, Clearing thorny wrongs away; Plucking up the weeds of sin, Letting heaven's warm sunshine in.

Take my hand and we'll go riding through the sunshine from above. We'll find happiness together in the summer skies of love.

Winter sunshine is a fairy wand touching everything with a strange magic. It is like the smile of a friend in time of sorrow.

He needed fresh air and sunshine. A walk in the woods and afterward a good book to read by the fire. Yeah, that was the life.

Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you; music cannot punish - only bless.

If there were no valleys of sadness and death, we could never really appreciate the sunshine of happiness on the mountain top.

She had always been fond of history, and here [in Rome] was history in the stones of the street and the atoms of the sunshine.

The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd

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