I went to church with my grandmother every Sunday.

I always went to Sunday school, sang in the choir.

Sunday, I go to church; I take the day off. I rest.

Personally, I always loved the 1 p.m. Sunday games.

I don't have an objective overview of Black Sunday.

Everyday is like Sunday Everyday is silent and grey

They do not eat Yorkshire pudding on Sunday in Iowa.

Any given Sunday you'll catch me rapping and joking.

As a practising Anglican I go to church on a Sunday.

Sunday afternoons are the longest afternoons of all.

The Sunday paper is an odd British cultural tradition.

But it's Sunday, Mr. Bell. Clocks are slow on Sundays.

I don't read the Sunday papers; or the dailies, either

I don't read the Sunday papers; or the dailies, either.

I take my pet lion to church ever Sunday. He has to eat.

...it gives you the impression that every day is Sunday.

If you want to kill Christianity you must abolish Sunday.

Playing on a Thursday and then a Sunday is not a problem.

Any ad which quotes what I said on Sunday is a falsehood.

I go to mass every Sunday, which is a shock to everybody.

I am a Quantum Engineer, but on Sundays I Have Principles.

Sunday is the Lord’s Day. Let us find time to be with him.

I'm pretty much a thrift shop gal. Flea markets on Sundays.

Anything goes on any given Sunday, especially Monday Night.

We do a stewardship series every Sunday...at offering time.

It's a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning.

...And Sunday's the one day I rest, give thanks, and bless.

If it's a Sunday, I usually wake up by around 11-11:30 A. M.

The great thing about being up early on a Sunday is nothing.

Sunday is the day people go quietly mad, one way or another.

The lessons I learned in Sunday School have kept me on track

I'd rather direct than produce. Any day. And twice on Sunday.

If you are a writer, Saturday and Sunday don't mean anything.

I want every peasant to have a chicken in his pot on Sundays.

The goal of Sunday is to leave my home as little as possible.

I'm obsessed with radio. It's a good start to Sunday morning.

On Sunday night, my husband makes a five-course family dinner.

People can be great competitors on Sunday and mates on Monday.

A Sunday matinee is a good time for families to go to a movie.

Sunday morning is time to slob around and perhaps go swimming.

After I'd preached a message on Sunday night, I'd print it up.

Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.

I don't put on my best clothes to make a film, my Sunday best.

In the morning on Sunday, a drum is sounded at about 8 o'clock.

Sunday brunch at Soho House. The views of L.A. are spectacular.

Who remembers when we used to rest on Sunday instead of Monday?

I once spent a year in Philadelphia, I think it was on a Sunday.

Don't judge men's wealth or godliness by their Sunday appearance.

I knew all the right Bible answers and the Sunday school answers.

Sunday night I always cook if I can - if I'm home, I always cook.

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