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Your Friday and Saturday nights are sacred. When a new guy asks for a prime-time date early on, suggest drinks and make him the warm-up.
Trump simply can't dial down the lying, or turn it off - even, his own attorneys suggest, when false statements may be punished as crimes.
My duty is that of a chronicler; and if I perform that conscientiously, the lessons which my observations suggest will need no pointing out.
While you're pregnant, I suggest that you eat like you regularly do. Yes you can eat a little more, but eat healthier for as long as you can.
Obama's extraordinary political skills suggest he is more than capable of rising above any personal historical grudges he may have inherited.
There is a real risk of a parliament dominated completely by elected PAP MPs. Is that a good outcome for Singapore? I would suggest it's not.
In the same way that a mundane object can have a personality somehow, I try to suggest that a mundane setting can have some menace behind it.
At some risk of oversimplification, I suggest that the usual reason a business cycle turns into a monster is an overdose of government policy.
There's been the emergence of a philosophy that big data is all you need. We would suggest that, actually, numbers don't speak for themselves.
You don't reach points in life at which everything is sorted out for us. I believe in endings that should suggest our stories always continue.
You've got to make sure that you don't have an airbrushed picture making you look like a 15-year-old cherub when your lyrics suggest otherwise.
If you really want to get over someone or something in your life, I suggest you throw on some Ivy Queen. She will have you feeling extra bossy.
I always suggest that when you're going through cancer to find something in your day that makes you feel centered and that makes you feel good.
I really get a smile that people think they have a right to even suggest how I give my money away. I have no mandate to give a dime to anybody.
When somebody is describing their job as fixing problems for someone, that usually does not suggest that they're dealing with their tax returns.
Instead of trying to police the entertainment industry we should strongly suggest that parents take a stronger role in what their kids get into.
Futurists wanted to suggest movement by means of a dynamic painting; Duchamp applies the notion of delay - or, rather, or analysis - to movement.
The Occupy Wall Street protests at last suggest that America's wealth gap is once again becoming an organizing political principle in the country.
I was never too keen on the British music press. They've called us a supermarket hype, and they used to suggest that we didn't write our own songs.
To suggest that you can't be both a mother who is completely in love with her babies, and a professional who is tough and tenacious, is ridiculous.
A work of art can start you thinking about some aesthetic or philosophical problem; it can suggest some new method, some fresh approach to fiction.
It is erroneous and profoundly irresponsible to suggest that up to three million undocumented immigrants living in America are dangerous criminals.
I would suggest that a Green Real Deal is something to be far more excited about than the Green New Deal because the Green New Deal will never happen.
I suggest that going to Mars means permanence on the planet - a mission by which we are building up a confidence level to become a two-planet species.
My job is to suggest and ratify and use any expertise that I might have gained over the 23 years in professional hockey to make our game a better game.
And that's another piece of advice I'll give junior writers; when you get to the point where they take you to lunch, let the editor suggest where to go.
I'm not such a fan of imagination. If you're alive to details, they oftentimes suggest a richer or deeper imaginative line than you would have imagined.
I think as an action director; it comes kind of naturally to me to a certain extent, because I've done so much action myself - as my MRIs would suggest!
The goal of serious musicians is to play outside of yourself. That's most likely with people who suggest things that are outside your musical experience.
I never went to a modeling school, and I don't suggest to anybody that they go to a modeling school... In fashion, one day you're in, the next you're out.
If one is desperate for love, I suggest looking at one's friends and family and see if love is all around. If not, get a new set of friends, a new family.
I know Judge Roy Moore to be not only be a man of character in spite of the tens of millions of dollars that are flowing into Alabama to suggest otherwise.
American failures in Vietnam and Iraq suggest that it's not really possible to create and sustain a proxy government in a country far from our own borders.
Some women are smarter than men, and some aren't. But to suggest to women that they deserve dominance instead of equality is at best a cheap applause line.
I've always felt that the quality of the voice is where the real content of a song lies. Words only suggest an experience, but the voice is that experience.
Asking someone to be with us turns out to be an impossibly demanding and therefore pretty mean thing to suggest to anyone we would really want the best for.
Our estimates suggest that a tax increase of 1 percent of GDP reduces output over the next three years by nearly 3 percent. The effect is highly significant.
Want to fire up a liberal? Dare to suggest that a nervous looking young Middle Eastern man standing in a TSA line to get on an airplane should be scrutinized.
I think it does suggest that the American people really do want to listen to somebody who actually has some solutions, some answers, and gives them some hope.
I'm at my best when I'm working with really talented people, and I'm there to gently suggest or guide or inspire or contribute whatever I can to their effort.
Our job is not to predict the future. Rather, it's to suggest all the possible futures - so that society can make informed decisions about where we want to go.
I love being in a band. I love that collaborative spirit, although some would suggest that I don't get involved in the collaborative spirit, but it's not true.
Autobiographies are only useful as the lives you read about and analyze may suggest to you something that you may find useful in your own journey through life.
I always feel the desire to look for the extraordinary in ordinary things; to suggest, not to impose, to leave always a slight touch of mystery in my paintings.
The Strait of Hormuz is an international waterway, and it is not helpful for any nation to suggest that it would attempt to restrict traffic through the strait.
Without ethics, man has no future. This is to say, mankind without them cannot be itself. Ethics determine choices and actions and suggest difficult priorities.
I still have agents in France, Los Angeles and Amsterdam who call and suggest parts. I'd love to keep on doing both painting and acting until the end of my days.
I wouldn't suggest that being resourceful has anything to do with doing something illegal or unethical, but I've definitely noticed a pattern of being 'creative.'
I suggest that what we want to do is not to leave to posterity a great institution, but to leave behind a great tradition of journalism ably practiced in our time.
It is not scientifically possible to accurately predict the outcome of an action. To suggest otherwise runs contrary to historical experience and the nature of war.